SkywarnPlus - Skywarn Alert alternative to AutoSky

Hey everyone! My friend wrote this package for both ASL and HamVOIP images. It works pretty well. It has some options like custom CTs for a given weather alert, and a multicounty warning area for repeaters/nodes that extend past county lines. Go check it out!

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this looks awesome! thanks for posting

I installed SkywarnPlus and recommend it. Instructions were easy to follow even amongst the many options. Options include having SkywarnPlus change the operation of your node including courtesy tone, ID, tail message, etc. I didn’t make any changes to my node configuration so I can’t vouch for those features.

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I am surprised there are not many comments on this thread. Skywarn Plus is a HUGE upgrade to Autosky. Autosky worked for a while but skywarnplus fixed or added a lot of stuff autosky was missing.

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