I have been trying to setup macros to connect to certain nodes and schedule times to connect and disconnect in RPT.conf in asl3
But not working
I have been trying to setup macros to connect to certain nodes and schedule times to connect and disconnect in RPT.conf in asl3
But not working
I can’t really comment on your command in the macro’s because I have no idea if they are valid unconflicting commands.
But you might want to try a space between the multiple commands on the same macro.
And end/terminate the macro with a pound (#)
1 = *31998 *32000 #
We need to see what is happening at the time the macro is scheduled to activate.
Please edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
. Change the following:
console => notice,warning,error,dtmf
to be
console => notice,warning,error,dtmf,debug
In the cli type
logger reload
A couple of minutes before the scheduled macro should activate, type of the following command in the cli.
core set debug 7 app_rpt.so
We need to see what happened at the time the macro should have activated.
When you have captured the information, you can turn off logging with the command core set debug 0 app_rpt.so
The macro string to connect to multiple nodes (at least the ones I have been using for years and work) should be, eg. 1 = *356984,*3512331# ; Connect to ABC XYZ
You can test your strings from the CLI, run “asterisk -rvvv”. then “rpt fun <localnode#> *356984,*3512331#” (without any quotes of course).
As far as the Scheduler, your string for Macro 1 won’t work (DayOfMonth is 55, impossible). Refer to the example provided, that starts with
;dtmf_function = m h dom mon dow
More examples here Macro Examples Here
So for your scheduler, assuming you want it run at 1955hrs everyday, use
1 = 55 19 * * *. ; Execute Macro 1 at 19h55m everyday
Again, refer to examples in the google link above.
Good luck. Jim
Was the scheduler be enabled in the rot.conf?
So, I am confused. Perhaps you are as well.
Is your problem with the scheduler or the macro.
You can run the macro with DTMF manually ie
*5x (x being the macro number).
If it runs manually, but not on the sched… and the sched format is correct…
The scheduler may need enabled, but I think it is by default.
Look in your rpt.conf command list for the DTMF assignment for enabling and disabling.
And run the enable sched command once.
What is the command line to enable scheduler
From a CLI> you might try
rpt fun skena xnode#x
I don’t know what the default is in asl3. You will have to look for it in your rpt.conf
My files are much different than any default.
So, you have the answer if you look at it in your file.
xxx=cop,15 ; Scheduler enable
xxx=cop,16 ; Scheduler disable
If those are somehow missing from your file you can create them and assign a command that does not conflict with existing.
The top screenshot shows ‘all’ of the commands ‘commented out’. Will never run if commanded.
But you have 915 set to enable sched if you remove the comment.
I can’t tell you if you can use the letter format as we do in system cron or not.
Never tried it.
I would suggest using number formats. But perhaps someone knows better on this one.
Rather then describe sun-sat, why not use a star “*”
1-31 could also be a star for dom
1-12 can also be a star for month.
Sun is “0”
mon-fri can be 1,2,3,4,5 or 1-5 (no spaces between)
sat & sun is 0,6
so line one could look like
1= 55 19 * * *
Dont forget to restart asterisk after changes before testing.
Did you test your macros FIRST ?
*5 + macro#
I pressed *51 and no response.
itried 1-5, no respomnse
915 = cop, 15
How do i run that?
As a DTMF command *915
Then your initial issue is the macro
Can you execute the command manually for macro 1 ?
For what it may be worth. Your command in macro one should be a connect for TRX
to node 512331
I don’t think that is the correct node number or it is not active or registered because it does not work for me at time of post.
Double check your commands in your macros.
They r having problems with 512331 so it to 512332
What is the command to run in the terminal with rot. Conf. I trying to learn command so that I why I ask
rpt.conf is not ‘run-able’
It is a editable text configuration file.
‘edit’ with
nano /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf
to run asterisk in the foreground
asterisk -rvvv
you get
Now commands are for ‘asterisk’ until you type “exit” and that takes you back to a system prompt