Scheduler and macros in allstar3

went into manager,conf

You should do some reading and get some background to what you are doing or wanting to do.
We are well beyond an issue with macros and I have no idea of the purpose.

i have more screenshots:

does some these function need to be uncommented?

I think ve6mld’s simple request to schedule a few macros is becoming more complex than it really needs to be here.
First, the macros themselves look great. I would however prepend a *76, to each one, particularly any one that links to a hub. The *76 will first disconnect any other previous connections, especially if for some reason another hub was unknowingly already connected (this could save yourself embarrassment and from being banned if your scheduled job ended up linking two hubs or an accidentally linking another connected node to a hub).
Second, lets look at the Scheduler. In HamVoip anyway, I cannot get any scheduled tasks to run when one of the cronjob settings contains more than one character, ex. * * * * MON-FRI, or 1-5, or even 1,2,3,4,5. This could be a bug in Allstar general, I don’t know.
I would suggest running “crontab -e” and adding the scheduled task there so there can be no question that it will work. (Adding it here as a system cronjob also eliminates the need to run a rpt reload or command to reapply the changes made to the rpt.conf file).

Lets look at an example you could add to crontab -e to run your Macro 1:
55 19 * * * asterisk -rx “rpt fun *51”
Macro 3 would be:
55 14 * * SUN asterisk -rx “rpt fun *53”
(Alphas must be in ALL CAPS, or just use 0 for Sunday)
You might want to run a test job by creating a job 5 minutes past your current time, then wait for it to run to make sure it works.
Note: If the *76 disconnect string doesn’t appear in the [functions] section of rpt.conf, then add this first:
76=ilink,6 ; disconnect all links


The ASL equivalent of *76 in HamvoIP is *806, but it’s commented out in the function list by default in ASL3, I guess to prevent random drive by disconnecting of all nodes.