Live Keyed Notes (Beta) Blank Output

Hello all,

The Live Keyed Nodes (Beta) page is providing blank output.

When I run debug console on the page output (f12->console), I’m seeing an error that might explain why – but I’m not sure.

Uncaught You must pass your app key when you instantiate Pusher.


I’ll see what’s up with that.

Hi Byron, have you heard of any updates about this issue? I am seeing the same.


It is blank for me too. Do I need a different browser? Chrome here.

It’s not you. The AllStarLink Keyed Nodes (Beta) is still down. I see the map is not working either.

Since November? Who’s in charge here! :wink:

iOS apps that use the map API also fail.

It appears the administration has turned this feature off because of high use of resources.