KØHTF (43675) NOT want to unsubscribe. I regularly look at the postings. My node works very well and is on and open almost all the time. There is precious little AllStar activity around here, Des Moines, Iowa. There are two nets a week near here that have this option and I try to make them. Thanks for the notice.
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Thank you for your quick and courteous response. I am blushing a bit. My node is most often connected to a repeater in Perry, Iowa, 47282 and is monitored on my station’s scanners. Another of the few other nodes, KC0YHU, is about a mile away. Tom, a. k. a., Doc.
On Sun, Feb 23, 2020, 12:35 Tim Sawyer via AllStarLink Discussion Groups noreply@community.allstarlink.org wrote:
ASL Admin February 23
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