How do I add the missing web content for Debian 12 x86 install

First off, much thanks for ASL3.0. I tried 3 months ago and was able to get it to compile and functional but had issues registering. I now have a working non-radio node and use IAXRPT on Windows 11. It took a lot of hours to get to this point and have been documenting the process to make a simple install script. I have Supermon and AllMon3 running and plan to state this on the ALLNode Net on Monday.

The reason for this query is that when I pull up the node’s webpage, I get the usual default Apache page. Is the Raspberry Pi image webpage content going to be made available for the Debian 12 x86 install?

Thank you,
Mark Dommers - AG5MB

If the only thing you’re doing with the Debian 12 x86_64 system is Allstar, then you can safely install the package asl3-pi-appliance which will give you all of the Pi Appliance features. Note that this is incompatible with using the Debian 12 system for other things as that package expects to control the system.

There is a more generalized installer on the roadmap planned for x86_64 but that’s a bit in the future still.

This is a great improvement! I have my node as a virtual machine, this bring it more into web based than command line. Somewhere I missed installing avahi-daemon as the asl3-pi-appliance failed to install. Some things don’t work, but that is expected. I have upgraded a Raspberry Pi and will try a no-radio mode for the experience. I started this about 4 days ago and have got further than the 4 months ago trying to install from source code. I thank everyone involved with AllStar Link and look forward to future enhancements.

Mark - AG5MB

None of the bells and whistles from the Pi are present on amd64 other than Allmon3 and the asl-menu.

See Debian 12 Install - AllStarLink Manual

This is a bug in the Pi appliance installer. Good find. i will fix it.

I’ve advanced the Raspberry Pi segment, and it has remained stable for approximately a week. Initiating this project, I underestimated the effort required to install ASL3.0. The developers’ commitment and attention to detail in this version are impressive. While I have only started to explore it, the rsync backup of my image has highlighted the extensive scope of the completed work.

I have added to my basic install script. Here is the highlights as its still considered to be alpha - I am not a script writer.

sudo dpkg -i asl-apt-repos.deb12_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install dphys-swapfile

Need to reboot at this point

Now let’s load the packages
sudo apt install -y asl3 asl3-update-nodelist allmon3 uuid
sudo apt install -y cockpit cockpit-sosreport
sudo apt install -y python3-serial firewalld avahi-daemon
sudo apt install -y asl3-pi-appliance

sudo systemctl enable asl3-update-astdb.service
sudo systemctl start asl3-update-astdb.service
sudo systemctl enable asl3-update-astdb.timer
sudo systemctl start asl3-update-astdb.timer
sudo systemctl enable apache2
sudo systemctl start apache2

If you want Supermon this will install a fresh copy - I do this as root.
I am just following other suggestions.

cd /usr/local/sbin
wget “” -O supermonASL_fresh_install
chmod +x supermonASL_fresh_install

This will get you running, but you will need to edit Supermon and Allmon3 configs.
I am working on a script that will take you through the install process.
It reads the config from asl-menu backup and populates the .ini files.
I am trying to make it easy for anyone without having to modify files.

Latest issue is adding user id’s to allmon3 - if I leave it alone its fine, change or add users ends up with ‘Allmon3 is not responding to requests for this node. Check server logs.’ Can seem to find the right server logs.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Mark AG5MB

Update - I got Allmon3 running by using the steps listed on the Allmon3 website.
I used the standard ‘sudo apt install allmon3’ and it worked until I changed the password. I used the following steps and was able to change the password and connect my node to 51018.

sudo apt install -y apache2 python3-websockets python3-argon2 python3-aiohttp python3-aiohttp-session
sudo wget
dpkg -i allmon3_1.2.0-1.bookworm_all.deb

There were no changes for the dependencies. I guess something changed in the ALLMon3 package. I am going to load each one up on a separate vm and do a comparison to see what changes were made. I use the default for my mirror.

Mark AG5MB

There’s a beta version of ASL3-Pi-Appliance that should make this install process more seamless on x64 clients. Promotion to prod/main later this week.

Also, in the long run, there’s going to be an identical Debian 12 installer to x64/x86_64 clients. It’s just surprisingly more complicated to package than one would expect and we wanted to get the Pi stuff out the door first.

And by “long run” I mean hopefully a few weeks.

Thank you for the update - I will be waiting with anticipation. I have two virtual nodes running and a Clear Node that sadly only works in monitor mode - the SD Card took a hit and needs help from Node-Ventures. I use Allmon3 for all three devices. I need a new cell phone as my Samsung 9 is having issues running the Clear Node App.
Thank you.
Mark AG5MB