There appears to be a lot of confusion concerning the history of Allstar and its relationship to Zapata Telephony, Asterisk, Allstar and app_rpt perpetuated by Hamvoip. I am hoping that me shedding light on this will finally put this to rest.
The Zapata technology is public domain; Allstar/app_rpt and Asterisk are open source software protected by GNU General Public License and not public domain.
I became friends with Jim Dixon in 1989. Jim Dixon came to me with the idea of Zapata Telephony around 1999/2000. My company funded it; you can see my name listed on the web page. You can read the history on the web page we set up. We made the Zapata technology public domain in the hopes that the world would benefit from the technology.
Zapata Telephony is simply the technology that Allstar, Asterisk, Digium, Sangoma, and all other board manufacturers use. Both Asterisk and Allstar Software have always said it was open source in their source code.
It says on the bottom of the Zapata Telephony web page, "With the exception of items protected by the GNU General Public License (which are clearly indicated as such), the technologies, software, hardware, designs, drawings, schematics, board layouts and/or artwork, concepts, methodologies (including the use of all of these, and that which is derived from the use of all of these), all other intellectual properties contained herein, and all intellectual property rights have been and shall continue to be expressly for the benefit of all mankind, and are perpetually placed in the public domain, and may be used, copied, and/or modified by anyone, in any manner, for any legal purpose, without restriction.”
The key words are, "With the exception of items protected by the GNU General Public License (which are clearly indicated as such),”
The quote on diagram that keeps getting circulated around is being taken out of context and is being misconstrued by Hamvoip. The chart, “Single Instance of Repeater/Remote Base Audio Flow Architecture 6/19/2014) is public domain; it doesn’t say that app_rpt and Asterisk are public domain.
It even says on it, “Designed in conjunction with app_rpt, an application for the Asterisk open-source PBX”
All the source code for app_rpt and Asterisk that pre-date and post date this diagram clearly state that app_rpt and Asterisk are open-source.
The bigger question that needs to be asked is why isn’t Hamvoip redistributing their source code for the benefit of all Hams as Jim Dixon intended. It is fine for them to fork the code, but they should release the source code.