ASL3 and chan_voter not running

I have a new install of ASL3 app_rpt version: 3.1.0 DAHDI Version: 3.4.0-4+asl Echo Canceller: Asterisk 20.10.0+asl3-3.1.0-1.deb12 built by builder @ on a x86_64 running Linux on 2024-11-13 21:20:01 UTC on an HP HPE Edgeline EL10 Computer. I am trying to setup an RTCM for a receive voter for fun and testing. I’ve been unable to get it to work. I’ve been poking around and find that there seems to be a problem with chan_voter loading ,but not running(see screen capture). In CLI I ran the command " module show " which shows all modules loaded and running except chan_voter. I think that this is the problem.

Is there a way of getting this running or is there something else I’m missing?

asterisk message log

I am not a good help here, I don’t use this YET.
But the module not loading is a result, not really the core cause.
The bottom error seems the culprit.
Perhaps look at the live results for additional info.
cli> module load
and see.
Hang in there, not many use these and it may take a day or two to get a knowledgeable reply.

Just popping up to say it’s not because chan_voter is broken in ASL3 or anything like that. I have a multi-site ASL3 VOTER system with full duplex simulcast on the air right now. I didn’t have any issues switching it from ASL2 to 3.

Not super helpful, sorry, but for some reason, the default assumption by most people when they hit an issue using ASL3 seems to be that “ASL3 doesn’t work” or something along those lines, so I just wanted to negate that real quick.

I already load this using module.conf, and tried to reload from the CLI. Thanks Mike.

I’m not saying that ASL3 is broke. Thanks Mason.

I’ve built several nodes and a hub without issues. It just seems that chan_voter is not loading in and running for some reason. If I don’t get a reasonable answer in a day or 2 I’ll rebuild everything again.

The last line is the problem. Are you using the new standard port 1667 rather than the old 667?

I think you will need to look at messages.log and see what error is being reported when asterisk attempts to load the module.

Ah, I didn’t even catch it. Yep, probably changed the port to 667 in voter.conf.

Yes, I am using 667 not 1667. I’ll change to 1667 and see if it fixes the non loading of chan_voter.

Changed port number to 1667 on rtcm and saved then reboot, restarted asterisk service. drop to asterisk CLI, module show same thing not running. module reload same error.

450632*CLI> module load
Unable to load module
Command ‘module load’ failed.
[2024-11-28 20:05:38.965] NOTICE[728]: loader.c:1307 auto_unload_resource: Unloading module ‘’ that previously declined to load
[2024-11-28 20:05:38.966] ERROR[728]: chan_voter.c:5530 load_module: Unable to bind port for voter audio connection: Permission denied

rebooted computer and checked again and still same issue and outputs.

Did you update the asterisk config too?

no, but did forget to update voter.conf. Now module show indicates it is loaded and running.

Still no text in voter web page for Master and no indication of an RSSI.

Where? Allmon3? Did you configure allmon3.ini as a voter?

Supermon 7.4+ ASL version. allmon.ini in supermon directory and voter.conf in asterisk directory.

Oh. Cant help with Supermon.

Does not appear to work in allmon3 either

Allmon3 works fine with voters as long as its properly configured

Can you share your settings for voter on Allmon3 with ASL3, or are you using ASL2Beta with it?