Zoiper Setup for AllStar

k6dvd asked me

  1. What dictates the [stanza] name in iax.conf? I used “myphone”
    according to another example I read and it works.

  2. I would like to understand the commands and syntax used in
    extensions.conf. Where can I find this info?

The context is set by iax.conf with the context= statement. It can be pretty much whatever you like as long as you make the same in extensions.conf. Think of it as what that happens when call comes in. The incoming call jumps into the dialplan (which is set by extensions.conf) at the context.

You can see the dialplan with the Asterisk CLI command dialplan show or just the context within the dial plan with dialplan show zoiper.

Here’s a sample CLI command showing the dialplan for the context called wd6awp. Notice only the context name is different than the zoiper example above.

Huntington*CLI> dialplan show wd6awp
[ Context 'wd6awp' created by 'pbx_config' ]
  '_X!' =>          1. Ringing()                                  [pbx_config]
                    2. Wait(10)                                   [pbx_config]
                    3. NoOp(${CALLERID(name)})                    [pbx_config]
                    4. NoOp(${CALLERID(number)})                  [pbx_config]
                    5. Set(CALLSIGN=${CALLERID(name)})            [pbx_config]
                    6. GotoIf($[${ISNULL(${CALLSIGN})} = 1]?hangit) [pbx_config]
                    7. Answer()                                   [pbx_config]
                    8. Wait(3)                                    [pbx_config]
                    9. Playback(connecting)                       [pbx_config]
                    10. rpt(${EXTEN}|Pv|${CALLSIGN}-P)            [pbx_config]
     [hangit]       11. Answer()                                  [pbx_config]
                    12. Playback(connection-failed)               [pbx_config]
                    13. Wait(1)                                   [pbx_config]
                    14. Hangup()                                  [pbx_config]

The best way to learn about asterisk is the definitive book on Asterisk, the O’reilly book.

But there are lots of places on the net with most all of what is in that book. Google is you friend.