I’m trying out the ARRLNEWS (826983) echolink node for a net on saturday on my allstar 3 node it’s able to connect and stream the latest ARRL audio news from there to my node and shared to the other nodes connected to mine but somehow it receives the audio fine but after 3 minutes of connection time it immediately stops streaming the news having me to basically disconnect and restart the whole episode until 3 minutes has been reached i tried it on the echolink app on my phone and also tried it on multiple other phones it plays the entire episode on all of them entirely with no issue only my allstar 3 node is the one that it plays for up to 3 minutes of it being connected then stops
Sounds like a link inactivity timer if it is always at 3 min.
Or a TX timeout timer expiry.
it shouldn’t because the link that i was using is automated it plays the latest ARRL audio news episode and when the segment is done and the audio does the morse code K character and is quiet for 4 seconds the link actually unkeys itself and waits 10 seconds and keys itself to play the next segment of the news and repeats the process again so the TOT resets every time and i don’t have any inactivity timer on my end nor the other end where i can listen to the whole thing on all of the other devices that i tried except for when i connect my allstar 3 hub to the ARRLNEWS link
Why not just test it one more time with the T.O. timer turned OFF.
I mentioned the only 2 timers that might expire the link in 3 min. or some set time.
It’s up to you to test them.
But I’m not going to keep guessing because you don’t think so.
Have you watched asterisk in the foreground when it happens ?
What does it say at that moment.
lnkactenable = 0
lnkacttime = 1800 ; Link activity timer time in seconds
lnkactmacro = *52 ; Function to execute when link activity timer expires
i looked at the rpt conf file and commented out the TOT and tried it still doing it and i was monitoring asterisk cli while it was going on it logged the echolink number connected to my node number then hung up as in unkey and after the 1st segment it logged hung up again and at the 3 minute mark it logged hung up once more but i was also monitoring my allmon on the side when the stop mid episode happened it stayed connected waiting for me to send the disconnect command
if you want i can email you a video of what’s happening on my end not the full 3 minutes but i can send the last 30 seconds leading up to the stop but completely your call on that
Just a FYI, commenting it out is not the same as turning it off and running with it off.
Try turning it off or setting the timer higher.
There are defaults when settings are not present, but I do not know what the defaults are for that, it has never been published for asl3 and I don’t want to guess.
Is your EL connection direct to a public node or to a private node that you then connect to the node in question ?
Trying to get some idea of connection path config.
What is the echolink source node # ?
ok i’ll try deleting the TOT row all together if that turns the TOT off
as for my echolink goes it’s a public node which right now i just disconnect my node from the N8PC repeater so you are good to do test on your end if you want but it’s a public node open to anyone
my allstar is 59688
my echolink node is 160118
That’s what Mike is saying… You cannot simply comment out or remove a setting and expect that to “turn it off” - that’s not how many of the settings work.
You need to uncomment the TOT, and actually set it to something like 10 minutes to test it.
If you just delete or comment out the setting, the software will just use whatever the default TOT value is anyways since one was not specified.
Can’t test it myself without the echolink source node. Not your node.
I would be more concerned with these above. But I really do not know if it follows the same timer from echolink. I would think it follows the same as input to the node.
But no documentation for me to say that just like defaults.
ok good to know just made the change to 10 minutes
ok then i would guess the source node is the node that i am connecting to directly like to another repeater if that’s the case then the source is 826983 named ARRLNEWS
and with the lnkactenable and time i deleted those from the line so they shouldn’t be executed it doesn’t do that on other nodes unless the trustee of a repeater that i was connected to has one set on their end but as for mine i removed those 2 lines
Hi, I run the ARRLNEWS node(s). I don’t immediately see anything on the server side pointing to an issue. Your node connects, then it disconnects itself, before the news playback completes, as you described.
You may want to try my Allstar node for ARRLNEWS, 516229
. That node plays back the ARRLNEWS simlar to the EchoLink/IRLP conference nodes, with unkey breaks between segments. The only limitation is that Allstar nodes that connect at the same time hear the same audio playback. The first Allstar node to connect starts the playback. The EchoLink/IRLP conference plays a separate audio stream for each connection.
See arrlnews.rfnet.link for more info.
David McAnally
thx i will try that when the next episode comes out found a workaround but i will try it when next episode comes out