What might cause "Device usb_2428 currently not active"

OK, bringing up a new Pi3 with ASL1. This is a HF remote. But I don’t think that is the issue, I have remote=ft100 and iobase=ttyUSB0 as I have used in the past. All seemed ok but all of a sudden if I use simpleusb-radio-tune I can select usb_2428 as interface, it shows up fine but then when doing level set, etc I get this (for #3):

Please enter your selection now: 3
Device usb_2428 currently not active
Enter new Tx A Level setting (0-999, or C/R for none):

core show channels shows no active channels. The RA35 is connected and has a green light so getting power no flashing LED.

I’ve rebooted and power off restart, no change.
Also, since I have not setup a remote for a while and the wiki is very thin on how-to, is all I needed to do was to add the two lines remote=ft100 and iobase=ttyUSB0 ? and the “y” at the end of the node line in rpt.conf?

The old unit crashed and cannot look at the old rpt.conf file.
GeorgeC W2DB
2360, 2428, 28599, 490891

well, I redid all configs and all is working.
GeorgeC W2DB