Use with Kenwood TM-D710GA?

Where do I ask this question? This should be a FAQ somewhere, so I’m guessing this is the wrong forum for it. Is there a link to where to ask this question?

I’d like to put a Pi4 with ASL on my Kenwood TM-D710GA. I’ll just build from source and stick it on my current Linux system on one of my two Pi4’s roaming around my shack that already are doing other stuff too, and it should be no problem (I build stuff on Linux all the time). But what I want in addition to that is the hardware and software to hook that up to my Kenwood TM-D710GA. So a link to where to start with that would be appreciated.

I’ve already seen an Alinco DR-135MKIII used with ASL by someone I know. I personally own an Alinco DR-235MkIII that I could use with that setup, but that is 1.25m, not 2m or 70cm, so obviously I have interest in using more than just my 1.25m rig. I want 2m & 70cm as well.

Thanks for any references in advance.

Now that I am on this forum, I can also look for more boring questions like how to do timeouts and telephone conference calls using the Rpt application especially to non-Rpt Asterisk servers like I have …

You are welcome to ask any AllStar question you like here. As far as the D710, have you seen the ALS WiKI? There is an FAQ, Beginners guide and some mention of specific radios. Typically interfaces are

Hope this helps.

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