Updated AL3 based on todays email... issues

I chose “Y” to get the updated files when asked.

I then updated iax.conf, modules.conf and simpleusb.conf.

I added passwords on [iaxrpt] and [iaxclient] which missing to correspond w/other passwords in the file.

Made sure all suggested (sans voter) are loaded.

simpleusb.conf added:

I went from nothing working to:

I am able to hear ARRL News over my Hat.
I have full use of Echolink.
I can log in via HOIP and hear ARRL News

I can not transmit via my Hat
I can not transmit via HOIP
I can not link private nodes to my public nodes, however I can link my public node to the private.

From log file when trying to connect from private node to public:

[2024-11-23 11:40:29.169] NOTICE[2880493]: chan_iax2.c:4790 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
– Hungup ‘IAX2/’

I did reboot, no change.

Obviously I did something wrong or there is a bug. What do you need to help you debug?

Don’t ever choose “Y”, it’s overwrites your config files. That’s why it defaults to no overwrite if you just press enter. If it says it’s going to replace rpt.conf (or some obviously important file that you’ve made changes to) with the package maintainers version… prolly don’t wanna do that.

You’ll need to figure out which files you told Debian to replace with stock config files and reconfigure them. You said you went through and redid some, but it sounds like you probably didn’t get everything 100% back how it was.

1 Like

ok, thanks I have backups :slight_smile:

Restored based on the term.log:

Installing new version of config file /etc/asterisk/simpleusb.conf …
Installing new version of config file /etc/asterisk/stir_shaken.conf …
Installing new version of config file /etc/asterisk/usbradio.conf …

Also copies back to be on the safe side:

Fixed the hat and transmitting…

Still not connecting private to public.

[2024-11-23 12:43:05.090] NOTICE[165081]: chan_iax2.c:4790 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
– Hungup ‘IAX2/’
– Hungup ‘DAHDI/pseudo-132052208’

Do you have the private node’s information located within the public node’s portion of rpt.conf?

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Everything worked before I updated.

Everything is segregated

;;;;;;;;;;;;Public Node;;;;;;;;;;;;;

statpost_url = http://stats.allstarlink.org/uhandler.php
statpost_program = /usr/bin/wget,-q,–timeout=15,–tries=1,–output-document=/dev/null

;Supermon logging
connpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 1
discpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 0

idrecording = |iKC2NJV

duplex = 1
hangtime = 400
rxchannel = SimpleUSB/62499

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Your node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;startup_macro = *8132000
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
functions = functions

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1800 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

duplex = 0

archiveaudio=1 ; 0 Disable saving .wav files

outstreamcmd = /bin/sh,-c,/usr/bin/lame --preset cbr 16 -r -m m -s 8 --bitwidth 16 - - | /usr/bin/ezstream -qvc /etc/ezstream.xml
macro = macro1800
;startup_macro = P *6862499
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
functions = functions

;;;;;;;;; 1500 Ham Over IP ;;;;;;;;;

rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
duplex = 0
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
linktolink = no
startup_macro = *6962499
functions = functions

You appear to be missing the non-standard port number for all your private nodes on based on the file you sent me.

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