Turn on Reporting

How do I turn on the reporting feature that reports to AllStarLink?

If you are talking about your node showing on stats.allstarlink.org, be sure to uncomment statspost_url=. There is much discussion here on Community about that particular feature. Feel free to use the search tool. Also feel free to ask any questions. We’re here to help.

Perhaps I’m thinking of the wrong thing. That line is already uncommented. I noticed that even thought my nodes were keying up quite a bit, I wasn’t showing up on the Keyed Nodes list on AllStarLink.org. Am I looking at the wrong thing??

I believe the keyed nodes list (AllStarLink Keyed Nodes) shows when your node is keyed by you, as opposed to a linked node keying your node.

What’s your node number?

I have learned something new!

My main node is 50980.
