Time & Temp at the top of the hour

Greetings, I saw a message on another list where the user mentions he has the the temperature announced at the top of the hour in addition to the time.
I would like to know if this can be done in the new ASL3.
I have the time working but no temperature announcements.

Thanks in Advance
Bob - W0NQX

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There is no reason it can not be.
Given you have the compatible hardware for temp that can output data that can be read.
It is all what you make it in a script and the dialplan.

Bob what you are looking for is at HamVoIP I think. Called Autosky. Its a bunch of script files. I have installed it on a repeater for a friend, but only the WWV and WX stats. Autosky also has the ability to poll NWS for weather alerts and depending on settings can make an announcement over the air of that info…
GeorgeC W2DB

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*/30 * * * * (source /usr/local/etc/allstar.env ; /usr/bin/nice -19 /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/sbin/saytime.pl PUT YOUR ZIP CODE HERE $NODE1 > /dev/null)
That is the crontab command for time and temp every 30 minutes in HamVoip, Not sure if is the same in AllStar 3
but it might give you something to look for. It is NOT AutoSky.

The command asl-say will do the time an a few other things. It currently does not report the weather. The saytime.pl is not provided with ASL3. The plan is that what asl-say… well… says… will expand over time. If reporting temperature of interest, please file a feature request with ASL3.

Thanks for the replies. I had a node running Hamvoip, and I was working with ASL3.
I will put in a feature request and see what happens, I did not want to go full Autosky. just the Time and Temp. is all I wanted. I tried on ASL3 all the things listed above, and no, none of them worked.
I will do a wait-and-see if feature folks add it to the tree. the plan is to upgrade all the nodes in our group to ASL3.

Thanks in Advance