Supermon 7.4 on ASL3 dpkg error

I had installed asl3 on RPI successfully using the guide.
But during installiion of supermon 7.4 (seen it from Ham Radio Crusader), I had this dpkg error. Tried to ignore and continued installing. However, when I tried to open the supermon page, there is no header on it. I assumed the error above caused this?

How can I correct this mess?

Have you run dpkg -a to fix the error and manual install as it suggested ?

I did run “sudo dpkg --configure -a”, but it stalls at “setting up php-common (2:93)…”

I am no help with Supermon, but it looks like your issues are not related, just OS level errors.

Have you installed PHP ?

There is a supermon user support group at

Thanks, but I am new to linux and 'still trying to learn. I’ll see if I can find something on how to install such. I’ll be checking that group you are pointing as well.

Thanks again Mike.

What functionality are you hoping to gain by installing Supermon on top of ASL3? The ASL3 Pi Image is designed as a complete solution and includes Allmon3 web interface for managing the node, as well as Cockpit for web based system administration. I don’t think Supermon installs on top of this image are supported. It looks like the installer is conflicting with the packages that make Allmon3 work.