Shut Down Command Via DTMF On ASL3?

Is there a script I could use in ASL3 to shut down my node via DTMF tones besides going to my cockpit and shutting it down that way ? I just don’t like pulling power, I would like to shut it down properly to avoid any problems. Thank you and 73.

You can write a bash script that contains the following…

shutdown -P now

set owner/permissions of the .sh

Create a command for it to run in rpt.conf

1234=cmd, /etc/asterisk/myscripts/

execute the dtmf or on cli>

With ASL3, the Asterisk version is modern. It doesn’t run as root and cannot shutdown the operating system.

Thank you very much for that info. I was going nuts trying to figure out why none of the scripts worked. I spend hours messing around with different scripts but now I feel better. Best of 73, Joe - WA4ONV.