Sending an ssh command to remote node to play audio file results in the file being played twice

Maybe this belongs on Github but I’m not sure it’s a bug. I’ve been using this command for over 2 years with various versions of ASL under Deb10, 11 and 12 but this double playing of the audio file only started when I migrated to ASL3.0

I run Newline broadcasts on Sunday and Monday evenings. The entire process is fully automated to download the mp3 from, convert it to wav and finally to ulaw format and then scp to my remote repeater sites (each with its own server/node). Each remote node has the ssh keys so my local node can scp (and send shell commands) without having to supply a password.

The command sent to each node is:

 ssh root@ "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'rpt localplay 1101 /etc/asterisk/audio/newsfiles/news'"
 ssh root@ "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'rpt localplay 1102 /etc/asterisk/audio/newsfiles/news'"
 ssh root@ "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'rpt localplay 1103 /etc/asterisk/audio/newsfiles/news'"

My sites are interconnected via AREDN mesh, hence the net

Is there something about ASL3 I’m missing?

Why not specify the .ulaw on the command line. Because you don’t have to ?

Fuzzy logic in. Fuzzy results out.

Does the file play at the same time twice or concurrently ?

It plays once then again.

I’ve never needed to specify a ulaw file in the past as ASL (at least previously) assumed the format. That it plays seems to confirm that

How many files in /etc/asterisk/audio/newsfiles/ named news ?

One (news.ulaw), that’s it

Not exactly what I asked,
You are not telling it to play news.ulaw

I will re-phrase
Any other news.(anything) files in /etc/asterisk/audio/newsfiles/ ?

Yes. Here’s the list

root@ParrettASL:~# ls -l /etc/asterisk/audio/newsfiles
total 9064
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   30818 May 23  2021 newsline_10.ulaw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   34209 May 23  2021 newsline_5.ulaw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   91762 May 23  2021 newstonight.ulaw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8951352 Oct 21 10:28 news.ulaw

The newsline_10 and _5 files are 5 and 10 minute “warnings” that the NewsLine broadcast is about to start and newstonight is a tailmessage triggered by the hub node 60 seconds after the last active COR anywhere in the system.

The only one that plays twice is the news file

Tailmessage and idrecording playback is super weird in ASL3 right now. If you are trying to use tailmessage to play your files, that is likely the problem. If you have set nounkeyct =1, that may cause problems with playback via idrecording and tailmessage. But I have problems with tailmessage either way. Use cron and play the files from an asterisk shell command. That will probably work much better.

I do not use any of the ASL repeater functions.

This is how I do it

(Although I no longer use Raspberry PIs, I use x86_64 mini pcs running ProxMox)