Seems like my updatenodelist.service failed everyday

Not really sure if updatenodelist.service is a part of allmon or allstar.

At amy rate, I see is failed just about everyday.

I have to reset-failed, stop, start and manually run astdb. It would run fine for awhile , next day I would see updatenodelist.service failed again.

Any suggestions?

73, Kit

Yes, I use to have that issue and never went to the source for it. I would always restart it.
After doing that to many times, I just added it to my

update nodes Restart

25 4 * * * root systemctl restart updatenodelist
25 12 * * * root systemctl restart updatenodelist
25 20 * * * root systemctl restart updatenodelist

Restarts it 3 times a day needed or not.
Seems to have cured what ill’d me. But the root issue is still there.

Mike, thanks. I guess I can do that. 73, Kit

My suspicion that I never traced down was that when it was supposed to happen, there was other activity and it just timed out.
But I don’t know that. No harm in my fix.

The ASL 2.0-beta6 resolves this issue as well as other improvements. See ASL Beta Documentation - AllStarLink Wiki

Images are on the main page of the Wiki.

Install this over updatenodelist it’s awesome!

Works with ASL 1.01

ASL Nodes diff project to keep database updated as quickly as possible.

  1. the wget address can be found on the releases tags

  2. whatever the .deb file is goes after the -i
    sudo dpkg -i asl-update-node-list_2.0.0-beta.5-1_all.deb

  3. check new services is running
    systemctl status update-node-list

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Yep, that came out with the ASL 2.0 beta but as you said, it works great on ASL1.01 too. Saves a fair amount of bandwidth as well.

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