We have 14+ repeaters linked by RF to a UHF repeater, we have our ASL node listing to the hub repeater, would like to program each repeater to send a DTMF code out each night and for the ASL node to decode it and make a status page to see if the repeaters checked in over night. is there anything out that would do that, or even possible.
Sure. Add a unique DTMF string for each remote repeater that logs it’s “check-in” to a log file to /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf. Something like this:
80001 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Alpha checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
80002 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Bravo checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
80003 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Charlie checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
80004 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Delta checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
; Copying/pasting this will probably clash with existing DTMFs in your rpt.conf file
If you program your remote repeaters to execute the DTMFs 10 mins apart, you’d end up with a log file at /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log that looks something like this…
Yep, went right over my head.
I might try a ctcss signaling and ‘tone macro’ as an option. Written to a log and emailed.
DTMF can be disruptive and unreliable when you don’t know what other audio may get mixed with it at random times. I had a similar effort and experience in 2012…