Script for repeater check in via DTMF

Hello group,

We have 14+ repeaters linked by RF to a UHF repeater, we have our ASL node listing to the hub repeater, would like to program each repeater to send a DTMF code out each night and for the ASL node to decode it and make a status page to see if the repeaters checked in over night. is there anything out that would do that, or even possible.

WV8CH 518581

Sure. Add a unique DTMF string for each remote repeater that logs it’s “check-in” to a log file to /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf. Something like this:

80001 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Alpha checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
80002 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Bravo checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
80003 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Charlie checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
80004 = cmd,echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Delta checked in!" >> /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log
; Copying/pasting this will probably clash with existing DTMFs in your rpt.conf file

If you program your remote repeaters to execute the DTMFs 10 mins apart, you’d end up with a log file at /var/log/asterisk/rptcheckin.log that looks something like this…

2025-01-10 00:00:00 Alpha checked in!
2025-01-10 00:10:00 Bravo checked in!
2025-01-10 00:20:00 Charlie checked in!
2025-01-10 00:30:00 Delta checked in!

Customize as necessary to get the log formatted how you want, then parse/display the log contents on your webpage.

thanks, now to start building micros on the repeaters for this. 73 thanks again

In my opinion, there are other methods that may be more appealing.

One is to use IAX TEXT.
And the other is to just use a connect log and email that from the system via cron/scheduler.

The post says they are trying to do this with RF linked machines, not IAX/app_rpt linked machines.

Yep, went right over my head.
I might try a ctcss signaling and ‘tone macro’ as an option. Written to a log and emailed.
DTMF can be disruptive and unreliable when you don’t know what other audio may get mixed with it at random times. I had a similar effort and experience in 2012…