Rxsquelchdelay in simpleusb


I realize that the point of simpleusb is to be… well… simple. However, one thing I’ve really missed is the lack of a delay line for squelch tail elimination. Would it be possible to add this in a future version of the module, as well as a relevant entry in simpleusb_tune?

Sure, I can use usbradio and change the rxsquelchdelay directive in simpleusb.conf, but in the case where simpleusb otherwise meets my needs, it is a lot less hassle to configure.

Thanks and 73

Are you using AllStar on a repeater or a hotspot? If a hotspot, a delay line won’t help unless the other stations are using a delay line. If a repeater, most users don’t like the delay.

But maybe someone would want to take on building that feature request. The place to put in a request is on GitHub - AllStarLink/ASL3: AllStarLink Version 3

I do have another solution. The RTCM from micro-node.com has a really fast, MICOR like squelch. Only weak (< 20db quieting) stations have a squelch tail.

It’s either that or go with professional repeaters and radios with reverse burst. Yeah, I know. Fat chance.

I’ve been using SA818’s for years using … another distro which has the delay line built-into simpleusb, and it works great for eliminating squelch tails heard from RX of those radios.
The solution is not to suddenly have every simplex node user on your system upgrade to a high-end repeater, but wouldn’t that be great?
I will file a feature request.