I have just updated my Allstar node from version 1 to version 3.
All is well with the node operation however I have got two LED indicators on the node to show RX/TX state.
The script in the [events] section of version 1 had the following syntax
;;;;; Events Management ;;;;;
;status,2 = c|f|RPT_NUMLINKS ; Say time of day when all links disconnect.
/usr/local/sbin/TxKeyed = s|t|RPT_TXKEYED
/usr/local/sbin/TxUnKeyed = s|f|RPT_TXKEYED
/usr/local/sbin/RxActive = s|t|RPT_RXKEYED
/usr/local/sbin/RxInActive = s|f|RPT_RXKEYED
However following the install on version 3 the LEDs do not function. If I run the commands on the command line then the LEDs light accordingly.
Please can someone advise on the changes I need to make for ASL3?
Phil G0ELM
The permissions on the compiled file are
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70544 Jan 25 12:23 RxActive
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70544 Jan 25 12:23 RxInActive
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70544 Jan 25 12:23 TxKeyed
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70544 Jan 25 12:23 TxUnKeyed
I know that in ASL version 1 it ran as root, but ASL3 runs under user asterisk.
Should the permissions allow the GPIO access.
The compiled files under node username and root run fine. What do I need to do to add users asterisk to get the scripts to function. asterisk is a member of group dialout but does it need to be a member of another group to access the GPIO?
Phil G0ELM
Hi Kev,
I was using the same scripts on my ASL 1 version node.
My control files are .c files and I had to recompile them under 64 bit for ASL 3.
e.g. RxActive.c
Then moved the output file to /usr/local/sbin/. ands make executable.
You might not be using compiled .c files for your functionality.
My stanza in rpt.conf for enabling event and setting the event functionality is:-
;;;;; Events Management ;;;;;
;status,2 = c|f|RPT_NUMLINKS ; Say time of day when all links disconnect.
/usr/local/sbin/TxKeyed = s|t|RPT_TXKEYED
/usr/local/sbin/TxUnKeyed = s|f|RPT_TXKEYED
/usr/local/sbin/RxActive = s|t|RPT_RXKEYED
/usr/local/sbin/RxInActive = s|f|RPT_RXKEYED
I had problems getting the functions to run from Allstar as I could get the files to execute from the command line
sudo …sh
But not from Asterisk.
Because ASL 3 runs under user asterisk not root as ASL 1 you have to make asterisk a member of the GPIO group in Linux for the scripts to function.