RTCM Server Setup

I have setup many allstar nodes, but I have been tasked with setting up a RTCM server that has recently failed. I have no config info, other than the node numbers that were on the old server, and the DNS info for it.

I have yet to find any specific docs/wiki for how to setup a RTCM voter server… any links you can point my way? I know I am missing something simple here… :slight_smile:


I can share a rpt.conf and voter.conf file with you that may help get you going.
My rpt.conf has 5 nodes defined in it, 2 of which have voter RTCM’s.

The biggest difference is just setting the rxchannel to your voter config and then having all the RTCM’s configured & defined in voter.conf.

Do you have remote telnet access to all the RTCM’s? Each one needs a password configured in them to connect to the host node that you are configuring. If you are using the same IP or hostname, then you won’t need to configure that portion, but at a minimum, you’ll need to have the password from each RTCM in your voter.conf file.

There is more RTCM info on the Wiki than you can shake a stick at. It’s overwhelming at first. Jon’s voter.conf will help you get going.

Here’s a wiki search result.

The configuration file: