Rpt_extnodes not updating 11/10/2019

Hi Guys,

I’m hearing many reports today that the ASL rpt_extnodes files aren’t getting updated. I just checked this and the last update seems to have been last night, no updates since then. Also, the server register-ord.allstarlink.org is simply returning an empty file.

Here is the “tail” of the file retrieved from register-tpa.allstarlink.org:

;Generated 3598 records in 0.160 seconds.
;Served in 0.045 seconds.
;Served from cache: Yes
;Generated at 2019-11-10 02:18:59 UTC by register-tpa.allstarlink.org

As you can see, it’s 19+ hours old.

73, David KB4FXC

There was a test being run.

Should be fixed now!




From: David McGough via AllStarLink Discussion Groups [mailto:noreply@community.allstarlink.org]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2019 1:36 PM
To: ke6pcv@cal-net.org
Subject: [AllStarLink Discussion Groups] [App_rpt-users] Rpt_extnodes not updating 11/10/2019

November 10

Hi Guys,

I’m hearing many reports today that the ASL rpt_extnodes files aren’t getting updated. I just checked this and the last update seems to have been last night, no updates since then. Also, the server register-ord.allstarlink.org is simply returning an empty file.

Here is the “tail” of the file retrieved from register-tpa.allstarlink.org:

;Generated 3598 records in 0.160 seconds.
;Served in 0.045 seconds.
;Served from cache: Yes
;Generated at 2019-11-10 02:18:59 UTC by register-tpa.allstarlink.org

As you can see, it’s 19+ hours old.

73, David KB4FXC

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We got DOS’d last night as well.