Repeater Controller - Repeated Voice Latency

New Installation - 2.0 Beta 6 K1KCC - Pi3B - Users Hearing Noticeable last few words in the hang time (of their own transmissions)…

repeater: PC, TURBO-Mode enabled
CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
Memory: 895MB
Swap: 0MB
Storage Devices: mmcblk0p2[13.93 GB]
OS Version: Raspbian GNU/Linux (Installed on 24Mar2021)

Simple USB Config - Kenwood TKR-820 - Users complaining of significant voice in the tail time (hearing their last few words after releasing transmit).

Any suggestions welcomed ? I am preparing a PI4 - also have Dell 3020 I3 to try

Thanks, steve nu5d

Steve, I and others have seen this before. Mostly seems associated with simpleusb. I have everything using usbradio instead and do not have this issue. Might want to try that. I originally thought that simpleusb would be less load on the processor but the one second or so of audio was way too annoying

GeorgeC W2DB
2360, 28599, 490891

MUCH MUCH Improved with USBRadio - still detectable - if you really look for it, but nowhere near as pronounced as with Simple USB. Thanks again, steve nu5d

That’s really, really interesting! I too assumed simpleusb would have less latency that usbradio. I’ll have to try that out. Thanks for posting about this.

Well Tim, it should be as you thought in that way. Think how much more processing RadioUSB does.
There has been a point made by many complaining that many ignored over the years, and it looks like there is something wrong with the simpleusb driver that under certain conditions, delays can build. But I have never got a handle on those conditions. One would think it has something to do with an intolerant jitterbuffer.
Notable it does not act up all the time and or on all systems.

BUT, the Simple USB seems to filter the sub-tone that is much more noticeable with Echolink connections much better than USBRadio - Most amazing - this FABULOUS System is made available to us cheep hams free gratis - THANKS to the folks who make this happen !!! steve

Yeah Mike, I have my suspicions it has something to do with the jitter buffer as there is more delay at times than others. I’ve noticed the same thing with chan_voter.

Thank you for the flowers (kind words) as they say on the bands. If you want you can “help us keep the lights on”. We have those nice donation button :slight_smile:

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Tim, the next time you notice it, do a test and run a birdbath and see if it clears up.
I don’t know if that will flush that audio stream or not but I’m not seeing it myself for a few years to test.
I only used simpleusb for a sort while with asl1.01

Yo Mike,

What’s a birdbath? I googled it but I don’t want to buy one. :slight_smile:

It’s a telemetry buffer flush.
I think it was created early on when there were issues with ‘parrot’ hence the term.
The question I am raising is if it can also flush the jitterbuffer.
I don’t have issues to test it on. And if it does, it should work with voter as well.
Save your Money :slight_smile:

cop,23 ; Bird Bath - Clean Residual stream