RA-35 Basic Setup Question

I am setting up my first AllStar Node and RA-35 interface to replace my controller on my 220 Repeater. I have the PI2 B+ setup with AllStar and plugged in a RA-35 board that arrived built and tested. COS/PTT works fine, tx to my repeater transmitter works fine when sending test tones from the setup menu, but I am not hearing audio sent to the RA-35 (DB9 Pin 6) coming out on Pins 1 or 2. So, I can’t route Rx audio to my Transmitter so my repeater repeats audio. It is acting like it is not configured for full duplex, yet I set the option to option 2 (Full Duplex with telemetry tones) and the interface to Simple USB.

Any ideas?

Thank you! Adrian VE7NZ

When you key the repeater with your ht (or whatever) is the RA-35 simultaneously asserting PTT (as indicated by the PTT LED on the RA-35 and keying the repeater transmitter? If then full duplex is working.

Do you have audio into Asterisk as indicated by the set level indicator on simpleusb-tune-menu?

I’m not at all familiar with the RA-35 but I see jumpers in the Tx audio path on the schematic. Are those set correctly?


Thanks for the help. Yes, COS keys PTT and the LED lights, the repeater transmits. I can measure my test signal up to the input of the chip on the RA-35 but see nothing on the output pins. Seems somehow the software is not connecting the paths. I gather from your comment I should be seeing some indication on signal using the simpleusb-tune menu? I am connecting to my device via PuTTY, runing the setup app and looking at “Set Rx Voice Level (using display).” but see no indication of a signal. I am unsure if any kind of dynamic display can be seen using a text like interface like PuTTY, but maybe I am wrong. Can you clarify this part for me? Thx! Adrian.

Sounds like you have a receive problem. The RX voice level display should peak like a bar meter as you talk. PuTTY will work fine for that.

You see a signal into the RA-35… hmmm. The only thing that I can think of that would do that is P/L detect. Be sure to turn off CTCSS detect whenever first setting up a new node.

Thanks for the tip! Turning off CTCSS detect in one of the conf files fixed the problem! I am up and running now and now will tweak things. The first thing I noticed is the audio in/out of the board is delayed by about a full second. I imagine some delay with a CTCSS encode dropping before the repeater tx drops is desirable, but a full second seems a bit much. I haven’t been able to find the setting to fix this yet but will keep looking as I ran out of time yesterday.