Quick beeps issue

Hi guys so have a recent issue with one of my node.

One of the weekly net controller have been noticing five quick beeps (not all the time three times in a 30 minute span) at the end of their transmission and before the Roger beep.

I have heard this tone for the first time.

…… (unknown) ._ (Roger beep)

Can anyone identify what cause the beeps?

Thanks in advance.


Likely a user with a ‘roger beep’ turned on in his/her HT.

ASL has a ‘double beep’ as a command accepted notification. But you have to have a successful command execution for that.

I suggest listening to the input for answers.

Hey Mike, maybe I will need to monitor when the next net happens.

But here is the audio clip after I had permission to upload it. Available for 6 days starting 1510Z, 29 Dec 2024
audio file by 9V1FH


I have heard ASL nodes do this occasionally, never did figure out what generated it though. A restart of the node always seemed to make it go away. I’d love to know what this actually is, because I can’t find a definition of telemetry that matches that sequence in rpt.conf. It’s been a couple of years since I last encountered this on one of my large hubs.

After hearing that, I would say is sounds like a internal generated CT.
Check all of your courtesy tone assignments.

Like these that were default for v1.01
ct1 = |t(350,0,100,2048)(500,0,100,2048)(660,0,100,2048)
ct2 = |t(660,880,150,2048)
ct3 = |t(440,0,150,4096)
ct4 = |t(550,0,150,2048)
ct5 = |t(660,0,150,2048)
ct6 = |t(880,0,150,2048)
ct7 = |t(660,440,150,2048)
ct8 = |t(700,1100,150,2048)

If that confuses you any and you just want to quick test something
try changing which is selected with one of these. (set default with v1.01)

unlinkedct = ct2			; Send a this courtesy tone when the user unkeys if the node is not connected to any other nodes. (optional, default is none)
remotect = ct3				; remote linked courtesy tone (indicates a remote is in the list of links)
linkunkeyct = ct8			; sent when a transmission received over the link unkeys
;nolocallinkct = 0

Remember which one you changed when it went away and check the description for that CT.

If it is happening conditionally, you need to figure out what are the conditions when it is present to figure it out any more.
i.e. what node or device input.

But yea, you still need to listen on the input to rule that out.
Specifically if it is on the output of a rf link.

There can be many reasons for this depending on where it is being generated.
But one other thing is perhaps a tone macro set to play a CT ?
Scan your file and be sure it has not been set for something like that.

Also some nodes who are linked and not configured correctly that output their CT before drop. True when you have a strange config of duplex mode and perhaps linktolink set.

You can also query last node to transmit or watch the asterisk verbose output when you are listening to your net.

Just some thoughts in leads to check.

I unfortunately don’t know exactly what this six-beeper is, but I remember that,

at one point, I got that tone sequence after the end of any transmission, but only when connected to one specific ASL 1.01 node acting as a radio-less hub. No command mode, just a normal transceive connection, etc. I first tried dropping all the connections on that hub node to see if it would go away. It didn’t, until I restarted that node (not my local node).
That particular six tone sequence isn’t in rpt.conf anywhere that I can see. It’s something like six 1600 hz tones with pauses between them. It’s been a long time since I encountered this, though, but I remember that all connected nodes got this tone generated locally when connected to that node, until it was restarted.

I do wonder if it is set for possibly a near timeout warning or linkact warning etc ?
But I don’t remember anything in the code exactly that.
Could be something on that order that was never documented.
I do remember similar issues a long time ago. Never resolved.

Just have to see what his investigation brings forward.