Question about macro & Scheduler construction

I am wanting to build a macro to connect 3 nodes to each other for a weekly net, then another to disconnect them when the net is over and create the scheduler setpoints to make it all happen.

When creating the macro - do I need to write the macro at all nodes to connect to each other or just create the macro on one node to connect to the other two? I want traffic on each node to go out on the other two connected nodes

For example:
1 = *3xxxxxx *3xxxxxx *3xxxxx ; link nodes xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx together for net

1 = 00 19 * * 4 ; Execute Macro 1 at 19:00 on Thursdays

Would this be the correct format to link the nodes and then schedule them? Obviously not having to program this on all 3 nodes would be make it cleaner if it can be done this way.

I’ve also ready about creating a hub Pi computer and connecting nodes to it instead. Is there an advantage to using a hub vs simply linking the 3 nodes together directly for our net?


James - KB0NHX

AllStar nodes will bridge the audio from all connected nodes. So a macro on your node that connects to the other two nodes will tie all three nodes together. You don’t need a hub.

Your macro would look like:

1 = *3xxxxx*3yyyyy ; link to nodes xxxxx and yyyyy

Great, thanks for explaining that!

So am I thinking right about the code to use the scheduler to call the macro? I saw a post about using *5 then the macro number to call a macro, but unsure of the syntax of the command to do so and the scheduler portion of wiki doesn’t indicate how to attach a macro to a scheduler command.


I’ve never used the scheduler but the rpt.conf comments explain how the scheduler works. Here is a clip of the scheduler stanza. The * means every. So macro 2 will run at 0 minutes, 0 hours, every day of the month, every month and every day of the week.

;dtmf_function =  m h dom mon dow  ; ala cron, star is implied
;2 = 00 00 * * *   ; at midnight, execute macro 2.

I think your post

1 = 00 19 * * 4 ; Execute Macro 1 at 19:00 on Thursdays

is correct except the 4 should maybe be a 5.