Programming a generic shari transmitter from amazon on ASL 3

I have a generic knock off shari transmitter that i bought off from amazon works great granted it’s a simplex unit not duplex and i had it on hamvoip but i wanted to try out ASL 3 so i installed the image on my test system on a different node number and connected it to my test unit it powers on and when my node identifies my radio receives it but when i did a test transmission from my radio my node wouldn’t receive it so i went to the SA818-menu and entered the settings thinking that it did not have the receive tone and when i hit update it tries to set the changes then returns with connection error not sure if the transmitter supports ASL3 or if the support for the transmitter is not in the software code yet but there’s no program side on the transmitter it’s so that’s out of the list but very interesting that my transmitter only can transmit but not receive at the moment i plan to get a duplex transmitter from hotspot radio down the road but at the moment i only have the generic amazon knock off which is usable on hamvoip both TX/RX but just listen on ASL 3 with it

if any of you know a solution feel free to drop it here and i can try it on mine

73 44 72 de W7AAF-L


Enter the above in P Serial Port

This works for me.

My settings for same interface

Active Simple USB Radio device is [XXXX].

  1. Select active USB device
  2. Set Rx Voice Level (using display)
  3. Set Transmit A Level (currently ‘500’)
  4. Set Transmit B Level (currently ‘500’)
    B) Toggle RX Boost (currently ‘disabled’)
    C) Toggle Pre-emphasis (currently ‘enabled’)
    D) Toggle De-emphasis (currently ‘enabled’)
    E) Toggle Echo Mode (currently ‘disabled’)
    F) Flash (Toggle PTT and Tone output several times)
    G) Toggle PL Filter (currently ‘enabled’)
    H) Toggle PTT mode (currently ‘ground’)
    I) Change Carrier From (currently ‘usbinvert’)
    J) Change CTCSS From (currently ‘no’)
    K) Change RX On Delay (currently ‘0’)
    L) Change TX Off Delay (currently ‘0’)
    P) Print Current Parameter Values
    R) View Rx Audio Statistics
    S) Swap Current USB device with another USB device
    T) Toggle Transmit Test Tone/Keying (currently ‘disabled’)
    V) View COS, CTCSS and PTT Status
    W) Write (Save) Current Parameter Values

tried changing the SA818 settings save was successful so i went to the simple USB settings nothing happened the 1st time so i compared the settings that i had with yours somehow it had the I and J as usbinvert so i changed the J to what you had and rebooted the whole system now it can hear both ways so far so good I’ll continue testing and take it from there

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