December 8, 2024, 12:56am
I’m playing with Allmon3 and I’m trying to get my private node to display the info I want it to on my Allmon3 page instead of saying “private or unavailable”. How can I accomplish this? I was looking in the script and it seems to update a private node on Supermon if you place a privatenodes.txt file in /etc/asterisk.
December 8, 2024, 1:37am
See node-overrides in web.ini
;; web.ini - configuration for Allmon3 web interface
;; This is the customziation interface for the Allmon3 web
;; interface. Only items listed below are considered customizable
;; other than items that appears in style.css and will survive
;; across updates. If you want to customize additional items
;; please make a pull request against the project for consideration
; CONFIG_HEADER_TITLE is text which appears centered in the
; top nav/header bar
CONFIG_HEADER_TITLE = Allmon3 Monitoring Dashboard
; CONFIG_LOGO_IMG appears aligned right in the top-right corner
; of the page. The max height of this image should be 50px. If
; you do not want a logo to appear, leave this entry as an
; empty string "" and the ASL logo will be display. Image
This file has been truncated. show original
December 11, 2024, 2:52am
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