So after working properly for a day or so, it occurred again.
Note (not that this should had affected anything):
a) updated the ASL node
b) rebooted
What did occur after I made the changes suggested was the startup macros failed to fire. I made a workaround with cron jobs, no big deal, just bizarre.
Also before the intro of P25 (I believe) had issues with DTMF macros…
I have “turned off” the private node connected to my P25 private talk group until this can be solved because I know WB2JPQ is a little annoyed with me ![:frowning: :frowning:](
Complete rpt.conf (less sections that are all commented out or informational to fit into the space limits of this program) below
[node-main] ;(!)
;;;;; Template for all your nodes ;;;;;
node_lookup_method = both ;method used to lookup nodes
;both = dns lookup first, followed by external file (default)
;dns = dns lookup only
;file = external file lookup only
62499 = radio@,NONE
1800 = radio@,NONE
1801 = radio@,NONE
1802 = radio@,NONE
1803 = radio@,NONE
1500 = radio@,NONE
[node-main] ;(!)
;;;;; Template for all your nodes ;;;;;
; Set the defaults for your node(s) here.
; Add your nodes below the line that says
; Add you nodes below.
;rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo ; No radio (hub)
;;rxchannel = SimpleUSB/usb
;;duplex = 1 ; 0 = Half duplex with no telemetry tones or hang time.
linktolink = no
linkmongain = -22
erxgain = -3
etxgain = 3
eannmode = 1
echolinkdefault = 0
echolinkdynamic = 1 ; 0 = Disallow users to change current echolink telemetry setting with a COP command
; 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command
controlstates = controlstates ; system control state stanza
scheduler = schedule ; scheduler stanza
functions = functions ; Repeater Function stanza
phone_functions = functions ; Phone Function stanza
link_functions = functions ; Link Function stanza
telemetry = telemetry ; Telemetry stanza
morse = morse ; Morse stanza
wait_times = wait-times ; Wait times stanza
inxlat = *,#,0123456789ABCD,Y ; The Y is for dialtone on function, a la CACTUS
context = radio ; dialing context for phone
callerid = "Repeater" <0000000000> ; callerid for phone calls
accountcode = RADIO ; account code (optional)
hangtime = 2000 ; squelch tail hang time (in ms) (optional, default 5 seconds, 5000 ms)
althangtime = 4000 ; longer squelch tail
;totime = 180000 ; transmit time-out time (in ms) (optional, default 3 minutes 180000 ms)
totime = 300000
;idrecording = |iNOTSET ; id recording or morse string
;idtalkover = ; Talkover ID (optional) default is none
idtime = 540000 ; id interval time (in ms) (optional) Default 5 minutes (300000 ms)
politeid = 30000 ; time in milliseconds before ID timer expires to try and ID in the tail. (optional, default 30000)
;tailsquashedtime=900000 ; 15 minutes
;tailmessagetime=21600000 ; 6 hours (200000000 ms, 55.5555 hours is the max value possible)
tailmessagetime = 600000
tailsquashedtime = 30000
tailmessagelist = /tmp/SkywarnPlus/wx-tail
;unlinkedct = ct2 ; Send a this courtesy tone when the user unkeys if the node is not connected to any other nodes. (optional, default is none)
;remotect = ct3 ; remote linked courtesy tone (indicates a remote is in the list of links)
;linkunkeyct = ct8 ; sent when a transmission received over the link unkeys
unlinkedct = ct1
remotect = ct1
linkunkeyct = ct2
;nolocallinkct = 0 ; Send unlinkedct instead if another local node is connected to this node (hosted on the same PC).
;connpgm = yourconnectprogram ; Disabled. Execute a program you specify on connect. (default)
; passes 2 command line arguments to your program:
; 1. node number in this stanza (us)
; 2. node number being connected to us (them)
;discpgm = yourdisconnectprogram ; Disabled. Execute a program you specify on disconnect. (default)
; passes 2 command line arguments to your program:
; 1. node number in this stanza (us)
; 2. node number being disconnected from us (them)
events=events62499 ; Events Management
;lnkactenable = 0 ; Set to 1 to enable the link activity timer. Applicable to standard nodes only.
;lnkacttime = 1800 ; Link activity timer time in seconds.
;lnkactmacro = *52 ; Function to execute when link activity timer expires.
;lnkacttimerwarn = 30seconds ; Message to play when the link activity timer has 30 seconds left.
;remote_inact_timeout = 1800 ; Specifies the amount of time without keying from the link. Set to 0 to disable timeout. (15 * 60)
;remote_timeout = 3600 ; Session time out for remote base. Set to 0 to disable. (60 * 60)
;remote_timeout_warning_freq = ; 30
;remote_timeout_warning = ; (3 * 60)
;nounkeyct = 0 ; Set to a 1 to eliminate courtesy tones and associated delays.
holdofftelem = 0 ; Hold off all telemetry when signal is present on receiver or from connected nodes
; except when an ID needs to be done and there is a signal coming from a connected node.
telemnomdb = -3 ; Telemetry Nominal Amplitude reference in dB
telemduckdb = -15 ; Telemetry Ducking in dB when local or link voice tx in progress
telemdefault = 1 ; 0 = telemetry output off
; 1 = telemetry output on (default = 1)
; 2 = timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter.
telemdynamic = yes ; yes = disallow users to change the local telemetry setting with a COP command
; 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command. (default = 1)
;beaconing = 0 ; Send ID regardless of repeater activity (Required in the UK, but probably illegal in the US)
parrotmode = 0 ; 0 = Parrot Off (default = 0)
; 1 = Parrot On Command
; 2 = Parrot Always
; 3 = Parrot Once by Command
parrottime = 1000 ; Set the amount of time in milliseconds
; to wait before parroting what was received
;rxnotch=1065,40 ; (Optional) Notch a particular frequency for a specified
; b/w. app_rpt must have been compiled with
; the notch option
;startup_macro = ; Best use in your node stanza (below) when more than one node
;nodenames = /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/rpt/nodenames.callsign ; Point to alternate nodename sound directory
; *** Status Reporting ***
; Uncomment the statpost line to report the status of your node to
;statpost_url = ; Status updates
;statpost_program = /usr/bin/wget,-q,–timeout=15,–tries=1,–output-document=/dev/null
;;; End of node-main template
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Configure your nodes here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Note: there is no need to duplicate entire settings. Only
; place settings that are different than the template.
;;;;;;;;;;;;Public Node;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[62499] ;(node-main)
statpost_url =
statpost_program = /usr/bin/wget,-q,–timeout=15,–tries=1,–output-document=/dev/null
;Supermon logging
connpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 1
discpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 0
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
duplex = 1
hangtime = 400
rxchannel = SimpleUSB/62499
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Your node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;startup_macro = *8132000
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
functions = functions
1 = *819# ; play time, morse call
2 = *819 *80#
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1800 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[1800] ;(node-main)
rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
duplex = 0
archiveaudio=1 ; 0 Disable saving .wav files
outstreamcmd = /bin/sh,-c,/usr/bin/lame --preset cbr 16 -r -m m -s 8 --bitwidth 16 - - | /usr/bin/ezstream -qvc /etc/ezstream.xml
macro = macro1800
startup_macro = *6862499
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
;;;;;; 1801 DMR/TGIF DVSwitch ;;;;;;
[1801] ;(node-main)
duplex = 0
hangtime = 100
rxchannel = USRP/
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
startup_macro = *6962499
;;;;; 1802 YSF Reflector ;;;;;;;;
[1802] ;(node-main)
duplex = 0
hangtime = 100
rxchannel = USRP/ ;<<- change ip no
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
startup_macro = *6962499
;;;;; 1803 P25 Reflector ;;;;;;;;
[1803] ;(node-main)
duplex = 0
hangtime = 100
rxchannel = USRP/ ;<<- change ip no
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
startup_macro = *6962499
;;;;;;;;; 1500 Ham Over IP ;;;;;;;;;
[1500] ;(node-main)
rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo
idrecording = |iKC2NJV
duplex = 0
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
telemdefault=0 ; was 2
telemdynamic = 0
startup_macro = *6962499
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; functions stanza ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Prefix Functions
; *1 Disconnect Link
; *2 Monitor Link
; *3 Connect Link
; *4 Command Mode
; *5 Macros
; *6 User Functions
; *7 Connection Status/Functions
; *8 User Functions
; *9 User Functions
; *0 User Functions
; *A User Functions
; *B User Functions
; *C User Functions
; *D User Functions
;;;;;; Mandatory Command Codes ;;;;;
1 = ilink,1 ; Disconnect specified link
2 = ilink,2 ; Connect specified link -- monitor only
3 = ilink,3 ; Connect specified link -- tranceive
4 = ilink,4 ; Enter command mode on specified link
5 = macro
70 = ilink,5 ; System status
99 = cop,6 ; PTT (phone mode only)
68 = ilink,12
69 = ilink,13
80 = cmd,asterisk -rx “rpt cmd 62499 status 1 62499”
819 = cmd,asterisk -rx “rpt cmd 62499 status 12 62499”
;;;;; Autopatch Commands ;;;;;
; Note, This may be a good place for other 2 digit frequently used commands
;61 = autopatchup,noct = 1,farenddisconnect = 1,dialtime = 20000 ; Autopatch up
;62 = autopatchdn ; Autopatch down
; autopatchup can optionally take comma delimited setting=value pairs:
; context = string ; Override default context with "string"
; dialtime = ms ; Specify the max number of milliseconds between phone number digits (1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
; farenddisconnect = 1 ; Automatically disconnect when called party hangs up
; noct = 1 ; Don't send repeater courtesy tone during autopatch calls
; quiet = 1 ; Don't send dial tone, or connect messages. Do not send patch down message when called party hangs up
; Example: 123=autopatchup,dialtime=20000,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1
;;;;; Status Commands ;;;;;
; 1 - Force ID (global)
; 2 - Give Time of Day (global)
; 3 - Give software Version (global)
; 4 - Give GPS location info
; 5 - Last (dtmf) user
; 11 - Force ID (local only)
; 12 - Give Time of Day (local only)
721 = status,1 ; Force ID (global)
722 = status,2 ; Give Time of Day (global)
723 = status,3 ; Give software Version (global)
724 = status,4 ; Give GPS location info
725 = status,5 ; Last (dtmf) user
711 = status,11 ; Force ID (local only)
712 = status,12 ; Give Time of Day (local only)
;;;;; Link Commands ;;;;;
; 1 - Disconnect specified link
; 2 - Connect specified link -- monitor only
; 3 - Connect specified link -- tranceive
; 4 - Enter command mode on specified link
; 5 - System status
; 6 - Disconnect all links
; 7 - Last Node to Key Up
; 8 - Connect specified link -- local monitor only
; 9 - Send Text Message (9,<destnodeno or 0 (for all)>,Message Text, etc.
; 10 - Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
; 11 - Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
; 12 - Permanently connect specified link -- monitor only
; 13 - Permanently connect specified link -- tranceive
; 15 - Full system status (all nodes)
; 16 - Reconnect links disconnected with "disconnect all links"
; 17 - MDC test (for diag purposes)
; 18 - Permanently Connect specified link -- local monitor only
;;;;; ilink commands ;;;;;
; commands 1 through 5 are defined in the Mandatory Command section
; 806 = ilink,6 ; Disconnect all links
; 807 = ilink,7 ; Last Node to Key Up
; 808 = ilink,8 ; Connect specified link -- local monitor only
; 809 = ilink,9,1999,"Testing" ; would send a text message to node 1999 replace 1999 with 0 for all connected nodes
; 810 = ilink,10 ; Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
811 = ilink,11 ; Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
812 = ilink,12 ; Permanently connect specified link -- monitor only
813 = ilink,13 ; Permanently connect specified link -- tranceive
; 815 = ilink,15 ; Full system status (all nodes)
816 = ilink,16 ; Reconnect links disconnected with "disconnect all links"
;817 = ilink,17 ; MDC test (for diag purposes)
;818 = ilink,18 ; Permanently Connect specified link -- local monitor only
;;;;; Control operator (cop) functions. ;;;;;
;Change these to something other than these codes listed below!
;901 = cop,1 ; System warm boot
;902 = cop,2 ; System enable
;903 = cop,3 ; System disable
;904 = cop,4 ; Test tone on/off (toggle)
;905 = cop,5 ; Dump system variables on console (debug use only)
;907 = cop,7 ; Time out timer enable
;908 = cop,8 ; Time out timer disable
;909 = cop,9 ; Autopatch enable
;910 = cop,10 ; Autopatch disable
;911 = cop,11 ; User linking functions enable
;912 = cop,12 ; User linking functions disable
;913 = cop,13 ; Query system control state
;914 = cop,14 ; Set system control state
;915 = cop,15 ; Scheduler enable
;916 = cop,16 ; Scheduler disable
;917 = cop,17 ; User functions enable (time, id, etc)
;918 = cop,18 ; User functions disable
;919 = cop,19 ; Select alternate hang time (althangtime)
;920 = cop,20 ; Select standard hangtime (hangtime)
;921 = cop,21 ; Enable Parrot Mode
;922 = cop,22 ; Disable Parrot Mode
;923 = cop,23 ; Birdbath (Current Parrot Cleanup/Flush)
;924 = cop,24 ; Flush all telemetry
;925 = cop,25 ; Query last node un-keyed
;926 = cop,26 ; Query all nodes keyed/unkeyed
;930 = cop,30 ; Recall Memory Setting in Attached Xcvr
;931 = cop,31 ; Channel Selector for Parallel Programmed Xcvr
;932 = cop,32 ; Touchtone pad test: command + Digit string + # to playback all digits pressed
933 = cop,33 ; Local Telemetry Output Enable
934 = cop,34 ; Local Telemetry Output Disable
935 = cop,35 ; Local Telemetry Output on Demand
;936 = cop,36 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable
937 = cop,37 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable
;938 = cop,38 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry
;939 = cop,39 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path on Demand
;942 = cop,42 ; Echolink announce node # only
;943 = cop,43 ; Echolink announce node Callsign only
;944 = cop,44 ; Echolink announce node # & Callsign
;945 = cop,45 ; Link Activity timer enable
;945 = cop,46 ; Link Activity timer disable
;947 = cop,47 ; Reset "Link Config Changed" Flag
;948 = cop,48 ; Send Page Tone (Tone specs separated by parenthesis)
; 949 = cop,49 ; Disable incoming connections (control state noice)
; 950 = cop,50 ; Enable incoming connections (control state noicd)
; 951 = cop,51 ; Enable sleep mode
; 952 = cop,52 ; Disable sleep mode
; 953 = cop,53 ; Wake up from sleep
; 954 = cop,54 ; Go to sleep
; 955 = cop,55 ; Parrot Once if parrot mode is disabled
; 956 = cop,56 ; Rx CTCSS Enable
; 957 = cop,57 ; Rx CTCSS Disable
; 958 = cop.58 ; Tx CTCSS On Input only Enable
; 959 = cop,59 ; Tx CTCSS On Input only Disable
; 960 = cop,60 ; Send MDC-1200 Burst (cop,60,type,UnitID[,DestID,SubCode])
; Type is 'I' for PttID, 'E' for Emergency, and 'C' for Call
; (SelCall or Alert), or 'SX' for STS (ststus), where X is 0-F.
; DestID and subcode are only specified for the 'C' type message.
; UnitID is the local systems UnitID. DestID is the MDC1200 ID of
; the radio being called, and the subcodes are as follows:
; Subcode '8205' is Voice Selective Call for Spectra ('Call')
; Subcode '8015' is Voice Selective Call for Maxtrac ('SC') or
; Astro-Saber('Call')
; Subcode '810D' is Call Alert (like Maxtrac 'CA')
; 961 = cop,61 ; Send Message to USB to control GPIO pins (cop,61,GPIO1=0[,GPIO4=1].....)
; 962 = cop,62 ; Send Message to USB to control GPIO pins, quietly (cop,62,GPIO1=0[,GPIO4=1].....)
; 963 = cop,63 ; Send pre-configred APRSTT notification (cop,63,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR])
; 964 = cop,64 ; Send pre-configred APRSTT notification, quietly (cop,64,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR])
; 965 = cop,65 ; Send POCSAG page (equipped channel types only)
; [functions-remote]
;;;;; Functions for remote bases ;;;;;
; 0 = remote,1 ; Retrieve Memory
; 1 = remote,2 ; Set freq.
; 2 = remote,3 ; Set tx PL tone
; 3 = remote,4 ; Set rx PL tone
; 40 = remote,100 ; Rx PL off
; 41 = remote,101 ; Rx PL on
; 42 = remote,102 ; Tx PL off
; 43 = remote,103 ; Tx PL on
; 44 = remote,104 ; Low Power
; 45 = remote,105 ; Medium Power
; 46 = remote,106 ; High Power
; 711 = remote,107 ; Bump -20
; 714 = remote,108 ; Bump -100
; 717 = remote,109 ; Bump -500
; 713 = remote,110 ; Bump +20
; 716 = remote,111 ; Bump +100
; 719 = remote,112 ; Bump +500
; 721 = remote,113 ; Scan - slow
; 724 = remote,114 ; Scan - quick
; 727 = remote,115 ; Scan - fast
; 723 = remote,116 ; Scan + slow
; 726 = remote,117 ; Scan + quick
; 729 = remote,118 ; Scan + fast
; 79 = remote,119 ; Tune
; 51 = remote,5 ; Long status query
; 52 = remote,140 ; Short status query
; 67 = remote,210 ; Send a *
; 69 = remote,211 ; Send a #
; 91 = remote,99,CALLSIGN,LICENSETAG ; Remote base login.
; Define a different dtmf sequence for each user which is
; authorized to use the remote base to control access to it.
; For examble 9139583=remote,99,WB6NIL,G would grant access to
; the remote base and announce WB6NIL as being logged in.
; Another entry, 9148351=remote,99,WA6ZFT,E would grant access to
; the remote base and announce WA6ZFT as being logged in.
; When the remote base is disconnected from the originating node, the
; user will be logged out. The LICENSETAG argument is used to enforce
; tx frequency limits. See [txlimits] below.
; 85 = cop,6 ; Remote base telephone key
; SkyControl DTMF Commands
831 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ enable toggle ; Toggles SkywarnPlus
832 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ sayalert toggle ; Toggles SayAlert
833 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ sayallclear toggle ; Toggles SayAllClear
834 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ tailmessage toggle ; Toggles TailMessage
835 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ courtesytone toggle ; Toggles CourtesyTone
836 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ alertscript toggle ; Toggles AlertScript
837 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ idchange toggle ; Toggles IDChange
838 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ changect normal ; Forces CT to "normal" mode
839 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/ changeid normal ; Forces ID to "normal" mode
; Other Controls
0=status,11 ; ID (local)
;81=status,12 ; Time of Day (local) old method
;Say 12 hour time on node 1
; Add local ZIP before node for weather also
;81=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/ EGOS 62499
; Say 24 hour time on node 1
; Add local ZIP before node for weather also
;82=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/ 62499
;;;;; Telemetry ;;;;;
; Telemetry entries can be shared across all repeaters, or defined for each repeater.
; Can be a tone sequence, morse string, or a file
; |t - Tone escape sequence
; Tone sequences consist of 1 or more 4-tuple entries (freq1, freq2, duration, amplitude)
; Single frequencies are created by setting freq1 or freq2 to zero.
; |m - Morse escape sequence
; Sends Morse code at the telemetry amplitude and telemetry frequency as defined in the
; [morse] section.
; Follow with an alphanumeric string
; |i - Morse ID escape sequence
; Sends Morse code at the ID amplitude and ID frequency as defined in the
; [morse] section.
;ct1 = |t(350,0,100,2048)(500,0,100,2048)(660,0,100,2048)
;ct2 = |t(660,880,150,2048)
;ct3 = |t(440,0,150,4096)
;ct4 = |t(550,0,150,2048)
;ct5 = |t(660,0,150,2048)
;ct6 = |t(880,0,150,2048)
;ct7 = |t(660,440,150,2048)
;ct8 = |t(700,1100,150,2048)
;ct9 = |t(1633,0,50,1000)(0,0,30,0)(1209,0,50,1000);
ranger = |t(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,150,0)
;remotemon = |t(1209,0,50,2048) ; local courtesy tone when receive only
;remotetx = |t(1633,0,50,3000)(0,0,80,0)(1209,0,50,3000) ; local courtesy tone when linked Trancieve mode
cmdmode = |t(900,903,200,2048)
functcomplete = |t(1000,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(1000,0,100,2048)
remcomplete = |t(650,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(650,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(650,0,100,2048)
pfxtone = |t(350,440,30000,3072)
patchup = rpt/callproceeding
patchdown = rpt/callterminated
ct1 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct1
ct2 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct2
ct3 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct3
ct4 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct4
ct5 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct5
ct6 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct6
remotetx = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct1
remotemon = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/ct1
; As far as what the numbers mean,
; (000,000,010,000)
; | | | |-------amplitude
; | | |-------------duration
; | |-------------------Tone 2
; |-------------------------Tone 1
; So, with 0,0,10,0 That says No Tone1, No Tone2, 10ms duration, 0 Amplitude.
; Use it for a delay. Fine tuning for how long before telemetry is sent, in conjunction with the telemdelay parameter)
; The numbers, like 350,440,10,2048 are 350Hz, 440Hz, 10ms delay, amplitude of 2048.
;;;;; Mores code ;;;;;
; Morse code parameters, these are common to all repeaters.
speed = 20 ; Approximate speed in WPM
frequency = 800 ; Morse Telemetry Frequency
amplitude = 4096 ; Morse Telemetry Amplitude
idfrequency = 1065 ; Morse ID Frequency
idamplitude = 1024 ; Morse ID Amplitude
;speed = 35 ; Not leagle in the USA
;frequency = 800 ; Morse Telemetry Frequency *Changed
;amplitude = 4096 ; Morse Telemetry Amplitude
;idfrequency = 750 ; Morse ID Frequency *Changed
;idamplitude = 512 ; Morse ID Amplitude *Changed
; This section allows wait times for telemetry events to be adjusted
; A section for wait times can be defined for every repeater
telemwait = 2000 ; Time to wait before sending most telemetry
idwait = 500 ; Time to wait before starting ID
unkeywait = 2000 ; Time to wait after unkey before sending CT's and link telemetry
calltermwait = 2000 ; Time to wait before announcing "call terminated"
; Sample for half-duplex
telemwait = 100 ; Time to wait before sending most telemetry
idwait = 100 ; Time to wait before starting ID
unkeywait = 100 ; Time to wait after unkey before sending CT's and link telemetry
calltermwait = 2000 ; Time to wait before announcing "call terminated"
;;;;; Remote base memories ;;;;;
; Memories for remote bases (not for repeaters or hotspots). Seldom used.
;00 = 146.580,100.0,m
;01 = 147.030,103.5,m+t
;02 = 147.240,103.5,m+t
;03 = 147.765,79.7,m-t
;04 = 146.460,100.0,m
;05 = 146.550,100.0,m
;;;;; Macro commands ;;;;;
;1 = *812000
;2 = *822000
;3 = *832000
;4 = *31998*32000
;5 = macro
1 = *81*80#
3 = *81 *80#
;;;;; Events Management ;;;;;
;status,2 = c|f|RPT_NUMLINKS ; Say time of day when all links disconnect.
0 = rptena,lnkena,apena,totena,ufena,noicd ; Normal operation
1 = rptena,lnkena,apdis,totdis,ufena,noice ; Net and news operation
2 = rptena,lnkdis,apdis,totena,ufdis,noice ; Repeater only operation
cop,62,GPIO4:1 = c|t|RPT_RXKEYED
cop,62,GPIO4:0 = c|f|RPT_RXKEYED
cop,62,GPIO4:1 = c|t|RPT_RXKEYED
cop,62,GPIO4:0 = c|f|RPT_RXKEYED
300 = *362499#
1=*80*81# ;Play time