Private node connecting to public node

I am unable to connect to public nodes from my private ones. I thought I checked all the obvious possibilities but have I missed something?

Properly describe the node in rpt.conf under

1020 = radio@,NONE

And in extentions.conf

exten => 1020,1,rpt,1020

The point is that connect information is sent to your server from all in the connected network with information of ip and port.
A private node is just that, no info shared with the common, so it must be defined for connection.

Generally scrap what I wrote above since you are trying to connect from a your private node to a public one. ‘OTHER’ nodes outside of your system will not be connectable as they can’t be verified by the systems you are connecting to. This is a security measure.
But Private means Private. It’s not a one way privacy.

Yes, I have all nodes in my private system defined under the [nodes] stanza but didn’t realize a public node still authenticated any other node trying to connect to it.

Thanks for the clarification