Ports will not open on cloud server

I am running a node 43934 on a Linode cloud. Earlier this week it failed to work. I have been testing trying to determine why I cannot get into this node. Using Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router it appears that 4569 is closed as well as ports 443,5060,5198 and 5199. Ports 22 and 80 are open. I have been working with the tech at Linode and they suggested reloading the software. I did it by setting up another node #45789 on a server in a different city. I also set up a server on Vultr and had the same problem. I have also updated Debain as sujested in the WiKi. After all of this I’m blind to what I may be missing. I’m open to any ideals and suggestions.

Firewall settings attchated.

Chris Viningre

While I am not familure with LINODE to know exactly what we are looking at, so I will ask…
Is that firewall external to the server as in part of the cloud networking ?

A x86 DEB12 install will include UFW firewall by default.
I guess this all depends on if you use one of their images or not.

So, why not check it for what is enabled…

ufw status

For I am guessing there are 2 firewalls running. Perhaps I am off base since I am not familiar with the platform.

LINODE is a cloud server so I dont have any ideal where in their system it is. I control the firewall through a webpage. I don’t know how to use ufw status.

perhaps also try

sudo iptables -L

And just a note, you don’t need to open TCP 4569 for ASL, it’s udp but I’m guessing you did that in desperation.

One other thing…
You might want to enable outbound for the same ports for connects from you to the outside. Even Enable all outbound as many systems use very different ports as you will see from looking at /var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes
Can’t connect out unless the port outbound is open. That is a bit strange setup, but I understand sometimes the need for that kind of exacting control. Just not for this stuff.

And the same would be true if you use DVSwitch ports

That may be the best I can do.
Someone may have better ideas.

It is possible to disable the web-based firewall entirely in the Linode dashboard if you want to do that. I can’t remember exactly where that is on the dashboard, though I just saw it the other day when I spun up a node that I am using as a VPN to tunnel multiple ASL nodes on CG-NAT.
I personally use ufw locally on my Linodes to manage traffic, which isn’t installed on Linode’s Deb12 image by default, at least it’s not there when there is no firewall associated with your node on the dashboard.
The idea of that management interface, I think, is that you can apply common rules to your entire fleet of Linodes, and manage it all from a central interface.


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Chris, thinking you will better attack this over the weekend,
please come back and post a solution if you find one.

I’m sure there will be others with this issue.