Pjsip configuraton

I have been working on understand ASL3, so far I like it. working on setting up pjsip for my sip phone to be able to monitor the node as I used to with IAX. I used the 1001 extension example to start and it registered and was able to call the node. could not hear anything and could not send anything verbally either *99 etc did not function, even though it looks like the P is in the dailplan. I wanted to change the extension number, no joy would not work so went back to 1001 worked. Now I am getting this

in the CLI which I don’t understand. The failed Extension ‘808xxxxxxx’ number showing up is my personal cell number which I don’t get as no where did i pull the number in there. if anyone can throw me a bone i need something to chew on.


ok well I guess no one knows.

Not sure where to start…

You did not say what you tried to change the extension to, so no judgement there.

The CID number you are seeing can be set CALLERID(num) and should be set to the node number.

Is the pjsip module enabled ?

Most of that info is asterisk stuff and not specific to app_rpt/ASL3

Are you using the latest revision of the software ?

true I didn’t mention what I tried to change it to. I went with 210 which didn’t work, back to 1001 with a password of 1001 (example) which worked but I didn’t hear anything so tried 1005 with a longer password, wouldn’t register until I changed back to just 1005 for the password.

the cid doesn’t make sense as the CALLERID is set to the node number.

pjsip is enabled

downloaded the latest version on the install and updated as well

I can only tell you that I have always had issues using a 3 digit node number and that goes back to the days of the ACID version of software.

I did make some assumptions about that but it’s just easy to make them 4 digit.

Asterisk has lots of 3 digit functions if they have been enabled.

Have you searched your extensions.conf for this string to see possibly where it is coming from.
It just seems you have a misdirected context or extension.
It’s a computer, it does not make things up …LOL

thanks, yes I have searched and searched extensions, used cli watching IDK either it’s weird

If you PM me your sip.conf and extensions.conf I will look them over as I get a chance.