Not able to use ASL3 Allmon3 or CLI tune after reboot


Having an issue with ASL 3 on a shari pihat running on a pi4 and also on a PI5 running a
high powered hotspot running with a dinah from kitsforhams.

I Have gone through the install process at least 7 times from scratch.
When completing the install and testing everything works fine.

When I shutdown or reboot my pi things no longer work at should. Allmon3 no longer responds to connections. Unable to do commands or display connections. Using wifi

When I go into cli tune menu(see attached I get an error) I get the error on any selection.
“Device 585244 is selected, the associated USB device string 1-1.3:1.0 was not found”

I can still connect to nodes and use my HT but I cannot do anything through the app.

Again all works fine with the initial install, but once I reboot no so much.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure what to try next.


PS sometimes when I reboot it works. Most time not.

Did you ever sort out what the issue is?

I have not. Still trying different things. But not anything consistent.

I just tried going into node settings and switching the radio interface from simplusb to radio usb and back again. It started working fine.
I am afraid to reboot it. But I will today.

Not sure why that would make it work. My guess is when I reboot it will not work again. When I try it later today I will post.




I rebooted and as expected it did not function as expected.

So i did the Radio interface swap again and back to simpleusb and it worked. Rebooted 8 more time
and 3 out of the 8 it function correctly. I also noticed when it doesn’t work and I key up with the radio the green led stops flashing. When I do a connect from allmon3 it continues to flash but doesn’t function.

It’s currently functioning on my 8th reboot.



Can you be more specific on what “function correctly” and “doesn’t function” mean? Is the node crashing? Is just no transmit happening? Are there any errors in /var/log/asterisk/messages?

Thanks for your reply.

I am trying to get a Shari PI hat on rpi4 working correctly on ASL3.

I have rebooted 6 times this morning and have not been able to get it to function
It’s not consistent. I have ben after rebooting a number of times to get it to function normally.

When it’s not working, I can connect and login ok. I can see the dashboard and go into terminal mode etc.

I can login to Allmon3. I cannot use any of the function connect etc. Nothing happens.
I am currently not able to receive or transmit using my HT. Although in the past when Allmon3 i was
not working I was able to still use the HT and connect to nodes. Now I cannot today. After 6 reboots so far.

So I cannot tell you what makes it work. I just keep rebooting and eventually it will start function until the next time I reboot.

I am attaching the Asterisk log files in pdf format. I see errors in regards to simple-usb and others. Hopefully this will help.

Thanks very much for your assistance.
messages.pdf (24.7 KB)
messages2.pdf (30.4 KB)
messageshung.pdf (16.4 KB)


You appear to be experiencing a known bug. Please try the workaround linked here:

We’re working on a full fix.

Great, Thank you.

Will check it out.

Just rebooted 7th time and is currently working.
Will give it a try latter today.

Thanks again.



It appears to be working with the temporary fix.

Thank you very much.

I look forward to the permanent fix when you release it.



PS, Great job to the ASL3 team. Like it a lot.

Additionally an Asterisk restart after a boot will always “fix” this until the next boot. As @N8EI mentioned it’s a know issue and we now have a fix.

See updated comments