No speaker audio from Dell Optiflex 5070

Good day to everyone. I am not getting any speaker audio from my Dell Optiplex 5070 desktop using iaxRpt. I have speaker audio from all other programs with no problem. Have updated the Dell drivers and using Windows 11. I get the green bar etc when connected. Options Device is set for Speakers/Headphones (Realtek). Any suggestions? thanks very much

While it is hard for to know anything for sure for I am not in front of it.
But experience with this issue 6 times over tells me that the issue lay mostly with the difference or somewhat of a fight between the factory presented drivers and windows.

It’s not so much that the drivers are defective, but which is managing them and how.

So, my only suggestion is to uninstall the management software presented by dell for the sound drivers system. Not necessarily the drivers and just let windows manage them.
This would mean setting up windows sound from the control panel after oem management is removed.

So, if you see the oem factory tray icon, it is still present. You will likely need to reboot after removal to get rid of active management.

This all can be tricky when testing and setting up correctly so take your time and think it through.

It is a hair pulling experience. You mileage may vary… LOL

It has been a issue seen here on the board from time to time, so if you succeed, come back and tell everyone how you succeeded.

Just curious if you worked this out or you still fighting with it ?