No Ident response when using SHARI PiHat

Im having trouble getting my node to ident after 10min of any activity. Im using a Shari Pi Hat with HAMVOIP / Echolink.
Any ideas welcome.

Not being specific to shari,
The app_rpt code by default has a sleep mode in which, while asleep, it will do nothing until awakened.

Perhaps test it by a kerchunk and after initial ID, provide one more kerchunk so that it needs to ID before going to sleep.

This is somewhat configurable in rpt.conf.
The actual commands in my example may differ than yours. Check the cop command for your DTMF.

951 = cop,51				; Enable sleep mode
952 = cop,52				; Disable sleep mode
953 = cop,53				; Wake up from sleep
954 = cop,54				; Go to sleep
idtime = 300000				; id interval time (in ms) (optional) Default 5 minutes (300000 ms)
politeid = 30000			; time in milliseconds before ID timer expires to try and ID in the tail. (optional, default 30000)

So, some limited guidance, but you need to check your config parameters.
But I can’t speak to anything specific to Shari.

Thanks Mike, Ill look into that.
Just to clarify my problem, I’ve worked out it ID’s after the initial key up but not 10min later

Just an update. Ican get it to ident if I change the rpt.conf to full duplex “2”. However this is no good when using SHARI hotspot. So I have proved it can ID at the correct time. It just wont ID in Half Duplex mode “1”.
