Raspberry Pi 5, TYT 9000D, RIM-Alinco. I have no audio from radio when connecting to nodes or connecting to parrot. I also choose "force ID (local only) in allmon3, with no audio. You can see that the radio is transmitting.
I’ve had a similar issues with getting audio out from the TYT 9000D and Rim Alinco on HamVoip. It would work for awhile and then stop producing audio. I tried 2 different TYTs and sent the Rim back for testing.
I finally gave up and am going to sell the TYTs and maybe find a Alinco radio.
I have a TYT TH-9000D 220 radio, in service for a little under a year, which I no longer use in favor of an Alinco DR-235T, which I was lucky enough to find for a steal. Since the Alinco has discriminator, and the TYT doesn’t, it has much nicer audio, even post-filtering in software than does the TH-9000D.
Unfortunately, it also makes some weird popping and roaring noises as it transmits. This is common across all the DR-X35’s. This is especially true on higher power output levels, but still happens on low power. Putting a fan on it helps to an extent.
Anyway, after reading the first message in this thread, I hooked up my TH-9000D+RIM Alinco and tested it in both HamVoIP with simpleusb, and ASL3 with simpleusb and usbradio. It worked fine in all cases with ctcssfrom set to no.
On ASL3, I prefer using the usbradio driver. Simpleusb has some high-end aliasing that I can clearly hear in it’s lowpass filter implementation, and no rxsquelchdelay line.
This is my current settings in ASL3:
ASL 3 Terminal menu
- Select active USB device
- Set Rx Voice Level (using display)
- Set Transmit A Level (currently ‘500’)
- Set Transmit B Level (currently ‘400’)
B) Toggle RX Boost (currently ‘disabled’)
C) Toggle Pre-emphasis (currently ‘disabled’)
D) Toggle De-emphasis (currently ‘enabled’)
E) Toggle Echo Mode (currently ‘disabled’)
F) Flash (Toggle PTT and Tone output several times)
G) Toggle PL Filter (currently ‘enabled’)
H) Toggle PTT mode (currently ‘ground’)
I) Change Carrier From (currently ‘USB’)
J) Change CTCSS From (currently ‘USB’)
K) Change RX On Delay (currently ‘0’)
L) Change TX Off Delay (currently ‘0’)
P) Print Current Parameter Values
S) Swap Current USB device with another USB device
T) Toggle Transmit Test Tone/Keying (currently ‘disabled’)
V) View COS, CTCSS and PTT Status
W) Write (Save) Current Parameter Values - Exit Menu
In my opinion, First, double-check all audio cables and connections between your Raspberry Pi 5, TYT 9000D, and RIM-Alinco. Ensure that the audio input/output settings are correctly configured in your software. Additionally, verify that the audio levels are not muted or set too low. If the radio is transmitting but no audio is coming through, it could also be worth checking your node and parrot settings in Allmon3.
I have setup a Raspberry Pie5 / TYT-9000d/ Rim-Alinco with these settings. Everything seems to be working correctly but i am getting low audio in even with rx voice level set to 999. Any help would be appreciated.