I have set up a simplex Allstar node, with echolink, and it’s seems to be working fine as far as users being able to talk/hear, but echolink users come in with no announcement at all.
I’ve seen other posts here were announcements were’t quite working but at least the node number was announced, in my case I get nothing.
It’s very possible i don’t have it configured right, but I thought the default would be to announce visitors
eannmode = 1 ; 1 = Say only node number on echolink connects (default = 1)
; 2 = say phonetic call sign only on echolink connects
; 3 = say phonetic call sign and node number on echolink connects
echolinkdefault = 0 ; 0 = Telemetry output off
; 1 = Telemetry output on
; 2 = Timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter
; 3 = Follow local telemetry mode
I have this and still no announcements. Can it be because I’m testing with my own echolink account AC2GW on AC2GW-L, would it suppress the announcement?
eannmode = 2 ; 1 = Say only node number on echolink connec
ts (default = 1)
; 2 = say phonetic call sign only on echolin
k connects
; 3 = say phonetic call sign and node number
on echolink connects
echolinkdefault = 2 ; 0 = Telemetry output off
; 1 = Te
lemetry output on
; 2 = Ti
med telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter
; 3 = Fo
llow local telemetry mode
echolinkdynamic = 1 ; 0 = Disallow users to change c
urrent echolink telemetry setting with a COP command
; 1 = Al
low users to change the setting with a COP command
As for your question of the Echolink -L being surpassed, I doubt it.
I’ve turned off all telemetry and connection announcements because a) they get annoying after a while, and b) if you connect to large reflectors (i.e., East Coast Reflector) they will ban you, it creates too much noise…
but you also have a good point, I very well might connect to east coast reflector, I have telemetry on right now for the node to help as I debugged even getting it to work with the radio. Probabably should turn it all off as since it’s on a simplex frequency, it should remain quiet for RF users on the channel who are not interested in the allstar link.