Hello, I have watched several youtube videos but am still not quite able to put it all together and get it working. I believe I have the Allstar 3.o software installed and configured on the rapsberry pi. I am not sure I have the Aursinc 818 Shari PiHat configured with the rapberry pi 4b and radio. I am hoping someone can help me get over this hurdle through a hopefully brief remote session. Thanks, Rob
I would say to first state your issue (missing)
And provide what software you are actually using and hardware if relevant.
Most of us have not watched all these new video howto’s and would have no idea if any are leading anyone stray or may be incomplete.
Why not start with the real manual.
Thanks, I leveraged the manual and YouTube to configure the raspberry pi. I believe that the pi is configured correctly and see the node registered in the portal. I think my issue is the Aursinc Shari pi hat configuration with the raspberry pi. I don’t believe that is covered in the manual. Thanks Rob
Hello, I believe I have configured my raspberry pi and Aursinc Shari pi hat correctly. I am hearing tones etc on my HT. I am so close and just looking for some assistance to finish this and make a contact. Right now I cannot login to Allmon3 Monitoring Dashboard to connect to other Allstar nodes. I tried my login I use for Allstar Link and its not working. Would anyone have any guidance on how I can get a login for Allmon3 Monitoring Dashboard? Thanks, Rob