Multiple nodes eg multiple modems

Hi all, I have found this nice community and the allstar network.
I understand one can make 1 server (eg. RPI4) and install multiple nodes eg 5 or more node numbers with the node number extension. This can make a nice interconnect point to make 2M, 70cm,23cm, and the local atv repeater audio able to talk to each other. This means multiple audio modes and i am trying to connect more than 3 cm119 modems to the same RPI. Every time i connect number 4 i loose 1 other channel. Using multiple rpi servers is not an option as i cannot hairpin from 1 local server to an other.
So the big Q:
Is there a limitation of 3 modem connections.

For the specialist an smal other issue.
on asl-find-sound my cm119 modem is recognised as 0d8c:000e Generic USB Audio Device
The cm119A is recognised as 0d8c:013a C-Media Electronics Inc.
Both work fine and are recognised by lsusb as cmedia modems…
Where is the lookup table where asl-find-sound finds the info…

Sorry for the long Q… i hope still for an A…
Best regards
benno PA3FBX.

Could you better define what you are calling a “modem” ?

Hi Mike, a node can use a Simple usb to talk to a cm119 fob to connect to a analog radio.
So it modulate and demodulate data to audio. Hence modem…

Just for future reference, they are referred to as
‘URI’ - Usb Radio Interface or a ‘sound fob’ on the board.

Assuming you are using ASL3 (you did not mention that),

I am pretty sure this will handle 3 sound fob’s but I am not sure about 4…

Make sure your software is up to date.
there were some updates but,
I don’t know where this landed for possible limitation on Pi4/Pi5

someone who knows will chime in.

Thanks for clearify that Mike.
Fun thing now after doing a complete update non of the cm119 URI is working any more…
It was working before flawless.
