Motorola SM50 CM108 Mod

Hi all,

I am VERY close to setting up my ASL node, however…I tried to modify a CM108 (this time correctly) but…it didn’t work. Allmon kept saying, whenever I plugged in my CM108 card, that it detected the COS signal and it keyed the PTT, however, I know that both of these were false. I constructed it following this link here: How To Modify A CM108 for Allstar latest version - allstar %.

Is there something I am doing wrong? What are the correct pins that should be connected to the SM50?

Thank you!

Make sure the ASL config file has the correct logic level (asserted high or asserted low) for your hardware.


I have verified that the logic levels are correct and that I’ve connected the radio to the right pins. Any opinions on the RepeaterBuilder RIM-USB fobs? I have some more CM108s but I’d rather not burn through them although they’re like a dollar a piece and perhaps a pre-made solution would be best.

I am not sure if this will still be helpful as the post is a bit old but I had tried the link you shared and for some reason I couldn’t get it working on baofeng 888 or baofeng uv82.

The one that worked for me was How to Modify A CM108 Sound Fob For Allstar. - allstar where there were breaks in the track and a transistor.

I am not familiar with your radio however just wanted to share what worked for me.