I have a Motorola HMN1056D palm microphone and I’d like to use it on a radioless node. Can someone provide me the pinout of this microphone? I’d like to base it on the node found on AllScan’s website: https://allscan.info/docs/radioless-node.php#minipc. Do I need to modify it in any way?
Thank you so much for that information, that clears a lot up. Would I need to add a MAX9814 board to my node as described in the AllScan writeup or am I good without it?
Also according to the AllScan page, there is a point where you can tap off 5VDC from the CM108. Can I get away with using this as the bias voltage instead of using a DC-DC converter?
Yes some audio AGC or dynamics processing is definitely needed, as my How-To guide explains in detail.
Some mics that are designed for 7-8V will work fine on 5V but may have reduced output levels or the DTMF encoder may not work. Thus better to just add the step-up module which are only a few $. But since the mic you mentioned does not have DTMF you could try it on 5V and see how it works. Should probably be fine but may need some extra gain (which the MAX9814 can easily provide).