Logrotate fails to start

The logrotate service on my node is failing to start. If I manually start it, it immediately fails again. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to correct this.

What output do you get from
systemctl status logrotate

admin@node611660:~ $ systemctl status logrotate
× logrotate.service - Rotate log files
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/logrotate.service; static)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2024-10-21 01:00:04 CDT; 5h 57min ago
TriggeredBy: ● logrotate.timer
Docs: man:logrotate(8)
Process: 2177 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 2177 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
CPU: 105ms

Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 systemd[1]: Starting logrotate.service - Rotate log files…
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 logrotate[2177]: error: stat of /var/log/ircddbgateway/ircDDBGateway.log failed: No such file or directory
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 logrotate[2177]: error: stat of /var/log/mmdvm/MMDVM_Bridge.log failed: No such file or directory
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 logrotate[2177]: error: stat of /var/log/mmdvm/NXDNGateway.log failed: No such file or directory
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 logrotate[2177]: error: stat of /var/log/mmdvm/P25Gateway.log failed: No such file or directory
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 logrotate[2177]: error: stat of /var/log/dvswitch/Quantar_Bridge.log failed: No such file or directory
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 logrotate[2177]: error: stat of /var/log/mmdvm/YSFGateway.log failed: No such file or directory
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Oct 21 01:00:04 node611660 systemd[1]: Failed to start logrotate.service - Rotate log files.

That is not ASL-related. Looks like you’re trying to setup MMDVM?

Our club Node on the cloud have a big log on /var/log/asterisk. Logrotate may be also failing.

yesterday I deleted 3GB worth of log on /var/log/asterisk, just this morning when I checked is 500mb + again. Is this Normal.

This was also happening on DX1BBC Node 576160, also on the cloud. Everyday I delete the log since it causing the Node to stutter during the Net. I decide to down grade it to ASL 2.0 for now.

This is the screenshot on Node 581290. I cant open it on winscp since the file is too big.


Have you looked at the log? Any messages repeating over and over?

[2024-10-28 20:12:08.830] Asterisk 20.9.3+asl3-3.0.6-1.deb12 built by builder @ allstarlink.org on a x86_64 running Linux on 2024-10-05 13:19:13 UTC
[2024-10-28 20:12:08.857] NOTICE[506725] loader.c: 72 modules will be loaded.
[2024-10-28 20:12:08.925] NOTICE[506725] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled.
[2024-10-28 20:12:08.927] NOTICE[506725] dnsmgr.c: Managed DNS entries will be refreshed every 300 seconds.
[2024-10-28 20:12:08.941] NOTICE[506725] indications.c: Default country for indication tones: us
[2024-10-28 20:12:08.941] NOTICE[506725] indications.c: Setting default indication country to ‘us’
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.013] NOTICE[506725] res_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] WARNING[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a call group
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] WARNING[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a pickup group
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] NOTICE[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to ‘userbase’ (on reload) at line 23.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] NOTICE[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to ‘vmsecret’ (on reload) at line 31.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] NOTICE[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to ‘hassip’ (on reload) at line 35.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] NOTICE[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to ‘hasiax’ (on reload) at line 39.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] NOTICE[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Ignoring any changes to ‘hasmanager’ (on reload) at line 47.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] WARNING[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a call group
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.021] WARNING[506725] chan_dahdi.c: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a pickup group
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.107] ERROR[506773] chan_echolink.c: Cannot find database entry for IP address, Callsign 4H8WIO.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.126] WARNING[506725] loader.c: Module ‘res_adsi’ has been loaded but may be removed in a future release.
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.299] NOTICE[506771] app_rpt.c: Normal Repeater Init 581290
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.299] NOTICE[506771] app_rpt.c: Normal Repeater Init 1000
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.300] NOTICE[506771] app_rpt.c: Normal Repeater Init 1200
[2024-10-28 20:12:09.301] NOTICE[506771] app_rpt.c: Normal Repeater Init 1300
[2024-10-28 20:12:11.792] WARNING[506787][C-00000023] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: ‘peerip’
[2024-10-28 20:12:11.792] WARNING[506787][C-00000023] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: ‘peerip’
[2024-10-28 20:12:15.121] WARNING[506796][C-00000026] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: ‘peerip’
[2024-10-28 20:12:15.121] WARNING[506796][C-00000026] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: ‘peerip’
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506758] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506759] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506760] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506761] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506762] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506763] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506764] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506765] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.516] WARNING[506766] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506757] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506758] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506759] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506760] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506761] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506762] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506763] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506764] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506765] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506766] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506757] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506758] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506759] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506760] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506761] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506762] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506763] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506764] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506765] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506766] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506757] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506758] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506759] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506760] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506761] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506762] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506763] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506764] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame

the rest are
[2024-10-28 20:12:55.517] WARNING[506764] chan_iax2.c: No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame

Could you file an bug report issue @ GitHub app_rpt with a snapshot of the messages.log file including a handful of the repeating lines (and those just prior to when the first messages were logged) :

No voice format and no peer format available on IAX2/allstar-public-5764, backlogging frame

Also, please include the output from sudo asl-show-version and detail (or include) your rpt.conf file with info on any changes that you made (other than those made with asl-menu).

Note: if you are uploading the “.conf” files to GitHub you will need to change/add a “.txt” to the filename.

I just uploaded the files on @ GitHub app_rpt,

Thank you!

and for those following, GitHub app_rpt #420

There is something configured on the IAX2 stanza allstar-public that is incompatible with the provided configuration. Disable that IAX2 stanza, restart asterisk, and see if the error goes away.

Your error running on this seems to be created by some other add-on that was not created to run on later asterisk versions.

I know I seen someone else with this weeks ago, but I can’t find it.

What have you added or brought forward from a previous version of asl or hamvoip ?

Nothing special on this one. YSF, M17 bridge.

After I deleted that large log file, everything looks like running fine.

And I didnt do anything.

Its the same with the other ALS 3 that I was observing. On the first couple of days after the upgrade the log on /var/asterisk/messages.log reach to 14g. (Was in a hurry on deleting that one, I should have documented it). Only after I saw on the other server that the same log file was huge then I thought there is something wrong.

Both of the server has normal log files now. But I do still check the log from time to time.

Hi All,

I noticed my /var/log/asterisk/messages.log had grown to quite a large size (Dating back to 13 Oct 2024)

When I run:

root@allmon:/var/log/asterisk# systemctl status logrotate
Unit logrotate.service could not be found.

I also tried to restart logrotate and get:
Failed to restart logrotate.service: Unit logrotate.service not found.

There is no crontab command, so not sure where to start?
root@allmon:/usr/share/asl3# crontab -e
-bash: crontab: command not found

Any clues appreciated.



Update: Found logrotate wasn’t installed. Installed logrotate, run manually and got updated.



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