Link Activity timers Not working on ASL3

why is the link activity timeout timers not working even thou they are set to active?
Here is my Code for it. this is on ALS3 version 20.9 on a server

lnkactenable = 1 ; Set to 1 to enable the link activity timer. Applicable to standard nodes only.

lnkacttime = 180 ; Link activity timer time in seconds.
lnkactmacro = *76 ; Function to execute when link activity timer expires.
lnkacttimerwarn = 30seconds ; Message to play when the link activity timer has 30 seconds left.

remote_inact_timeout = 180 ; Specifies the amount of time without keying from the link. Set to 0 to disable timeout. (15 * 60)
remote_timeout = 180 ; Session time out for remote base. Set to 0 to disable. (60 * 60)
remote_timeout_warning_freq = 30 ; 30
remote_timeout_warning = 180 ; (3 * 60)

What is this set to do in your system ? Kinda looks like a potential command conflict on the surface.
Can you manually excrete this by ‘direct dtmf’

I don’t think linkact and remote_timeout are related

*76 = ilink, 6 which does not disconnect any nodes. neither does ilink,11 unless we are running 3 digit commands. Neither one disconnects ALL nodes.

So, are you saying it does not run when you run it manually by dtmf ?

No the inactivity timer does not run at all when set. it is supposed to make a 30 sec warning then disconnect you. it does not do this at all. I have sat connected for well over the time I have set with no announcement and no drop in connection. even running *806 or *811 for all disconnects and all perm disconnects.

This section in your rpt.conf does not work at all.

lnkactenable = 1 ; Set to 1 to enable the link activity timer. Applicable to standard nodes only.

lnkacttime = 180 ; Link activity timer time in seconds.
lnkactmacro = *806 ; Function to execute when link activity timer expires.
lnkacttimerwarn = 30seconds ; Message to play when the link activity timer has 30 seconds left.

do not worry I will figure it out and post what I need.

You still did not answer my question.

Can you run the command by DTMF ?

I can’t point you in the right direction till I know this.
I am working from the bottom up and I don’t want to write a book on all the possibilities that are not relevant.

How about this one…

Are your lnkact settings in a template description [nodemain](!)
or the individual node setting ?

*806 and * 811 work as individual Disconnects one for all that are not permanent one for permanent. none for the actual node or iax connections

the DTMF is not the problem. I am taliking about the INACTIVITY timer it is not functional

I have specified a file to play at 30 seconds before disconnect and also have it set temporarily to 3 minutes of inactive time. if you want my complete rpt.conf I will be happy to send it to you and this is listed under the main node

;******** Template-tized rpt.conf ********
; Note to editors: set tabs to 4 space characters. No wrap to keep comments neat.
; vim: tabstop=4
; Radio Repeater configuration file for use with app_rpt ASL3

node_lookup_method = both ;method used to lookup nodes
;both = dns lookup first, followed by external file (default)
;dns = dns lookup only
;file = external file lookup only

; If you are using automatic update for allstar link nodes, and you probably are,
; no allstar remote nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition
; for your local nodes, and private (not on allstar directory) nodes here.

; Sample nodes on this server. These are required. Use IP
; IAX port number if not the default 4569.
;1998 = radio@,NONE

; Sample public or private node behind your router.
;1001 = radio@,NONE

; Sample private node on the internet.
;1000 = radio@,NONE

457432 = radio@,NONE

;;;;; Template for all your nodes ;;;;;
; Set the defaults for your node(s) here.
; Add your nodes below the line that says
; Add you nodes below.

;;; rxchannel ;;;
; Must also be enabled in modules.conf
; Enable the selected channel driver in modules.conf !!!
; Rx/Tx audio/signalling channel. Choose ONLY 1 per node stanza.
; rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo ; No radio (hub)
; rxchannel = SimpleUSB/1999 ; SimpleUSB
; rxchannel = Radio/1999 ; USBRadio (DSP)
; rxchannel = Voter/1999 ; RTCM device
; rxchannel = Pi/1 ; Raspberry Pi PiTA
; rxchannel = Dahdi/1 ; PCI Quad card
; rxchannel = Beagle/1 ; BeagleBoard
; rxchannel = USRP/ ;GNU Radio interface USRP

rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo ; No radio (hub)

duplex = 2 ; 0 = Half duplex with no telemetry tones or hang time.
; Special Case: Full duplex if linktolink is set to yes.
; This mode is preferred when interfacing with an external multiport repeater controller.
; Comment out idrecording and idtalkover to suppress IDs also
; 1 = Half duplex with telemetry tones and hang time. Does not repeat audio.
; This mode is preferred when interfacing a simplex node.
; 2 = Full Duplex with telemetry tones and hang time.
; This mode is preferred when interfacing a repeater.
; 3 = Full Duplex with telemetry tones and hang time, but no repeated audio.
; 4 = Full Duplex with telemetry tones and hang time. Repeated audio only when the autopatch is down.

linktolink = no ; disables forcing physical half-duplex operation of main repeater while
; still keeping half-duplex semantics (optional)

linkmongain = -22 ; Link Monitor Gain adjusts the audio level of monitored nodes when a signal from another node or the local receiver is received.
; If linkmongain is set to a negative number the monitored audio will decrease by the set amount in db.
; If linkmongain set to a positive number monitored audio will increase by the set amount in db.
; The value of linkmongain is in db. The default value is 0 db.

erxgain = -3 ; Echolink receive gain adjustment
; Note: Gain is in db-volts (20logVI/VO)
etxgain = 3 ; Echolink transmit gain adjustment
; Note: Gain is in db-volts (20logVI/VO)
;eannmode = 1 ; 1 = Say only node number on echolink connects (default = 1)
; 2 = say phonetic call sign only on echolink connects
; 3 = say phonetic call sign and node number on echolink connects

;echolinkdefault = 2 ; 0 = Telemetry output off
; 1 = Telemetry output on
; 2 = Timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter
; 3 = Follow local telemetry mode

;echolinkdynamic = 1 ; 0 = Disallow users to change current echolink telemetry setting with a COP command
; 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command

controlstates = controlstates ; system control state stanza

scheduler = schedule ; scheduler stanza
functions = functions ; Repeater Function stanza
phone_functions = functions ; Phone Function stanza
link_functions = functions ; Link Function stanza

telemetry = telemetry ; Telemetry stanza
morse = morse ; Morse stanza
wait_times = wait-times ; Wait times stanza

;inxlat = *,#,0123456789ABCD,Y ; The Y is for dialtone on function, a la CACTUS
; Rpt.conf - AllStarLink Wiki

context = radio ; dialing context for phone
callerid = “Repeater” <0000000000> ; callerid for phone calls
accountcode = RADIO ; account code (optional)

hangtime = 2000 ; squelch tail hang time (in ms) (optional, default 5 seconds, 5000 ms)
althangtime = 4000 ; longer squelch tail
totime = 180000 ; transmit time-out time (in ms) (optional, default 3 minutes 180000 ms)

idrecording = |iN8PC ; id recording or morse string
;idtalkover = ; Talkover ID (optional) default is none
idtime = 540000 ; id interval time (in ms) (optional) Default 5 minutes (300000 ms)
politeid = 30000 ; time in milliseconds before ID timer expires to try and ID in the tail. (optional, default 30000)

;tailsquashedtime=900000 ; 15 minutes
;tailmessagetime=21600000 ; 6 hours (200000000 ms, 55.5555 hours is the max value possible)

unlinkedct = ct2 ; Send a this courtesy tone when the user unkeys if the node is not connected to any other nodes. (optional, default is none)
remotect = ct3 ; remote linked courtesy tone (indicates a remote is in the list of links)
linkunkeyct = ct8 ; sent when a transmission received over the link unkeys
;nolocallinkct = 0 ; Send unlinkedct instead if another local node is connected to this node (hosted on the same PC).

;connpgm = yourconnectprogram ; Disabled. Execute a program you specify on connect. (default)
; passes 2 command line arguments to your program:
; 1. node number in this stanza (us)
; 2. node number being connected to us (them)
;discpgm = yourdisconnectprogram ; Disabled. Execute a program you specify on disconnect. (default)
; passes 2 command line arguments to your program:
; 1. node number in this stanza (us)
; 2. node number being disconnected from us (them)

;events=events ; Events Management Event Management - AllStarLink Wiki

;lnkactenable = 1 ; Set to 1 to enable the link activity timer. Applicable to standard nodes only.

;lnkacttime = 180 ; Link activity timer time in seconds.
;lnkactmacro = *806 ; Function to execute when link activity timer expires.
;lnkacttimerwarn = localply, /etc/asterisk/local/30sectimeout ; Message to play when the link activity timer has 30 seconds left.

;remote_inact_timeout = 180 ; Specifies the amount of time without keying from the link. Set to 0 to disable timeout. (15 * 60)
;remote_timeout = 180 ; Session time out for remote base. Set to 0 to disable. (60 * 60)
;remote_timeout_warning_freq = 30 ; 30
;remote_timeout_warning = /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en/rpt/30sectimeout ; (3 * 60)

;nounkeyct = 0 ; Set to a 1 to eliminate courtesy tones and associated delays.

holdofftelem = 0 ; Hold off all telemetry when signal is present on receiver or from connected nodes
; except when an ID needs to be done and there is a signal coming from a connected node.

telemnomdb = -3 ; Telemetry Nominal Amplitude reference in dB
telemduckdb = -15 ; Telemetry Ducking in dB when local or link voice tx in progress

telemdefault = 2 ; 0 = telemetry output off
; 1 = telemetry output on (default = 1)
; 2 = timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter.

telemdynamic = yes ; yes = disallow users to change the local telemetry setting with a COP command
; 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command. (default = 1)

;beaconing = 0 ; Send ID regardless of repeater activity (Required in the UK, but probably illegal in the US)

parrotmode = 0 ; 0 = Parrot Off (default = 0)
; 1 = Parrot On Command
; 2 = Parrot Always
; 3 = Parrot Once by Command

parrottime = 1000 ; Set the amount of time in milliseconds
; to wait before parroting what was received

;rxnotch=1065,40 ; (Optional) Notch a particular frequency for a specified
; b/w. app_rpt must have been compiled with
; the notch option

;startup_macro = ; Best use in your node stanza (below) when more than one node

;nodenames = /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/rpt/nodenames.callsign ; Point to alternate nodename sound directory

; *** Status Reporting ***
; Uncomment the statpost line to report the status of your node to
;statpost_url = ; Status updates

;;; End of node-main template

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Configure your nodes here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Note: there is no need to duplicate entire settings. Only
; place settings that are different than the template.

statpost_url =
idrecording = |iN8PC
duplex = 2
rxchannel = dahdi/pseudo
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Your node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;startup_macro = *8132000

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Another node settings here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;startup_macro = *8132000
;morse = morse_1998 ; Sample morse stanza for node 1998

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; functions stanza ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Prefix Functions
; *1 Disconnect Link
; *2 Monitor Link
; *3 Connect Link
; *4 Command Mode
; *5 Macros
; *6 User Functions
; *7 Connection Status/Functions
; *8 User Functions
; *9 User Functions
; *0 User Functions

; *A User Functions
; *B User Functions
; *C User Functions
; *D User Functions

;;;;;; Mandatory Command Codes ;;;;;
1 = ilink,1 ; Disconnect specified link
2 = ilink,2 ; Connect specified link – monitor only
3 = ilink,3 ; Connect specified link – tranceive
4 = ilink,4 ; Enter command mode on specified link
70 = ilink,5 ; System status
;76 = ilink,6
;77 = ilink,11
99 = cop,6 ; PTT (phone mode only)

;;;;; Macro Commands ;;;;;
5 = macro

;;;;; Autopatch Commands ;;;;;
; Note, This may be a good place for other 2 digit frequently used commands
;61 = autopatchup,noct = 1,farenddisconnect = 1,dialtime = 20000 ; Autopatch up
;62 = autopatchdn ; Autopatch down

; autopatchup can optionally take comma delimited setting=value pairs:
; context = string ; Override default context with “string”
; dialtime = ms ; Specify the max number of milliseconds between phone number digits (1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
; farenddisconnect = 1 ; Automatically disconnect when called party hangs up
; noct = 1 ; Don’t send repeater courtesy tone during autopatch calls
; quiet = 1 ; Don’t send dial tone, or connect messages. Do not send patch down message when called party hangs up
; Example: 123=autopatchup,dialtime=20000,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1

;;;;; Status Commands ;;;;;
; 1 - Force ID (global)
; 2 - Give Time of Day (global)
; 3 - Give software Version (global)
; 4 - Give GPS location info
; 5 - Last (dtmf) user
; 11 - Force ID (local only)
; 12 - Give Time of Day (local only)

720 = status,1 ; Force ID (global)
721= status,2 ; Give Time of Day (global)
723 = status,3 ; Give software Version (global)
724 = status,4 ; Give GPS location info
725 = status,5 ; Last (dtmf) user
711 = status,11 ; Force ID (local only)
722 = status,12 ; Give Time of Day (local only)

;;;;; Link Commands ;;;;;
; 1 - Disconnect specified link
; 2 - Connect specified link – monitor only
; 3 - Connect specified link – tranceive
; 4 - Enter command mode on specified link
; 5 - System status
; 6 - Disconnect all links
; 7 - Last Node to Key Up
; 8 - Connect specified link – local monitor only
; 9 - Send Text Message (9,<destnodeno or 0 (for all)>,Message Text, etc.
; 10 - Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
; 11 - Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
; 12 - Permanently connect specified link – monitor only
; 13 - Permanently connect specified link – tranceive
; 15 - Full system status (all nodes)
; 16 - Reconnect links disconnected with “disconnect all links”
; 17 - MDC test (for diag purposes)
; 18 - Permanently Connect specified link – local monitor only

;;;;; ilink commands ;;;;;
; commands 1 through 5 are defined in the Mandatory Command section

806 = ilink,6 ; Disconnect all links; 807 = ilink,7 ; Last Node to Key Up
; 808 = ilink,8 ; Connect specified link – local monitor only
; 809 = ilink,9,1999,“Testing” ; would send a text message to node 1999 replace 1999 with 0 for all connected nodes
; 810 = ilink,10 ; Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
811 = ilink,11 ; Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
; 812 = ilink,12 ; Permanently connect specified link – monitor only
; 813 = ilink,13 ; Permanently connect specified link – tranceive
; 815 = ilink,15 ; Full system status (all nodes)
; 816 = ilink,16 ; Reconnect links disconnected with “disconnect all links”
; 817 = ilink,17 ; MDC test (for diag purposes)
; 818 = ilink,18 ; Permanently Connect specified link – local monitor only

;;;;; Control operator (cop) functions. ;;;;;
;Change these to something other than these codes listed below!

;901 = cop,1 ; System warm boot
;902 = cop,2 ; System enable
;903 = cop,3 ; System disable

;904 = cop,4 ; Test tone on/off (toggle)
;905 = cop,5 ; Dump system variables on console (debug use only)

;907 = cop,7 ; Time out timer enable
;908 = cop,8 ; Time out timer disable

;909 = cop,9 ; Autopatch enable
;910 = cop,10 ; Autopatch disable

;911 = cop,11 ; User linking functions enable
;912 = cop,12 ; User linking functions disable

;913 = cop,13 ; Query system control state
;914 = cop,14 ; Set system control state

;915 = cop,15 ; Scheduler enable
;916 = cop,16 ; Scheduler disable

;917 = cop,17 ; User functions enable (time, id, etc)
;918 = cop,18 ; User functions disable

;919 = cop,19 ; Select alternate hang time (althangtime)
;920 = cop,20 ; Select standard hangtime (hangtime)

;921 = cop,21 ; Enable Parrot Mode
;922 = cop,22 ; Disable Parrot Mode
;923 = cop,23 ; Birdbath (Current Parrot Cleanup/Flush)

;924 = cop,24 ; Flush all telemetry
;925 = cop,25 ; Query last node un-keyed
;926 = cop,26 ; Query all nodes keyed/unkeyed
;930 = cop,30 ; Recall Memory Setting in Attached Xcvr

;931 = cop,31 ; Channel Selector for Parallel Programmed Xcvr

;932 = cop,32 ; Touchtone pad test: command + Digit string + # to playback all digits pressed

;933 = cop,33 ; Local Telemetry Output Enable
;934 = cop,34 ; Local Telemetry Output Disable
;935 = cop,35 ; Local Telemetry Output on Demand

;936 = cop,36 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable
;937 = cop,37 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable
;938 = cop,38 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry
;939 = cop,39 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path on Demand

;942 = cop,42 ; Echolink announce node # only
;943 = cop,43 ; Echolink announce node Callsign only
;944 = cop,44 ; Echolink announce node # & Callsign

945 = cop,45 ; Link Activity timer enable
946 = cop,46 ; Link Activity timer disable
947 = cop,47 ; Reset “Link Config Changed” Flag

;948 = cop,48 ; Send Page Tone (Tone specs separated by parenthesis)

; 949 = cop,49 ; Disable incoming connections (control state noice)
; 950 = cop,50 ; Enable incoming connections (control state noicd)

; 951 = cop,51 ; Enable sleep mode
; 952 = cop,52 ; Disable sleep mode
; 953 = cop,53 ; Wake up from sleep
; 954 = cop,54 ; Go to sleep
; 955 = cop,55 ; Parrot Once if parrot mode is disabled

; 956 = cop,56 ; Rx CTCSS Enable
; 957 = cop,57 ; Rx CTCSS Disable

; 958 = cop.58 ; Tx CTCSS On Input only Enable
; 959 = cop,59 ; Tx CTCSS On Input only Disable

; 960 = cop,60 ; Send MDC-1200 Burst (cop,60,type,UnitID[,DestID,SubCode])
; Type is ‘I’ for PttID, ‘E’ for Emergency, and ‘C’ for Call
; (SelCall or Alert), or ‘SX’ for STS (ststus), where X is 0-F.
; DestID and subcode are only specified for the ‘C’ type message.
; UnitID is the local systems UnitID. DestID is the MDC1200 ID of
; the radio being called, and the subcodes are as follows:
; Subcode ‘8205’ is Voice Selective Call for Spectra (‘Call’)
; Subcode ‘8015’ is Voice Selective Call for Maxtrac (‘SC’) or
; Astro-Saber(‘Call’)
; Subcode ‘810D’ is Call Alert (like Maxtrac ‘CA’)

; 961 = cop,61 ; Send Message to USB to control GPIO pins (cop,61,GPIO1=0[,GPIO4=1]…)
; 962 = cop,62 ; Send Message to USB to control GPIO pins, quietly (cop,62,GPIO1=0[,GPIO4=1]…)

; 963 = cop,63 ; Send pre-configred APRSTT notification (cop,63,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR])
; 964 = cop,64 ; Send pre-configred APRSTT notification, quietly (cop,64,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR])
; 965 = cop,65 ; Send POCSAG page (equipped channel types only)

; [functions-remote]
;;;;; Functions for remote bases ;;;;;
; 0 = remote,1 ; Retrieve Memory
; 1 = remote,2 ; Set freq.
; 2 = remote,3 ; Set tx PL tone
; 3 = remote,4 ; Set rx PL tone
; 40 = remote,100 ; Rx PL off
; 41 = remote,101 ; Rx PL on
; 42 = remote,102 ; Tx PL off
; 43 = remote,103 ; Tx PL on
; 44 = remote,104 ; Low Power
; 45 = remote,105 ; Medium Power
; 46 = remote,106 ; High Power
; 711 = remote,107 ; Bump -20
; 714 = remote,108 ; Bump -100
; 717 = remote,109 ; Bump -500
; 713 = remote,110 ; Bump +20
; 716 = remote,111 ; Bump +100
; 719 = remote,112 ; Bump +500
; 721 = remote,113 ; Scan - slow
; 724 = remote,114 ; Scan - quick
; 727 = remote,115 ; Scan - fast
; 723 = remote,116 ; Scan + slow
; 726 = remote,117 ; Scan + quick
; 729 = remote,118 ; Scan + fast
; 79 = remote,119 ; Tune
; 51 = remote,5 ; Long status query
; 52 = remote,140 ; Short status query
; 67 = remote,210 ; Send a *
; 69 = remote,211 ; Send a #
; 91 = remote,99,CALLSIGN,LICENSETAG ; Remote base login.
; Define a different dtmf sequence for each user which is
; authorized to use the remote base to control access to it.
; For examble 9139583=remote,99,WB6NIL,G would grant access to
; the remote base and announce WB6NIL as being logged in.
; Another entry, 9148351=remote,99,WA6ZFT,E would grant access to
; the remote base and announce WA6ZFT as being logged in.
; When the remote base is disconnected from the originating node, the
; user will be logged out. The LICENSETAG argument is used to enforce
; tx frequency limits. See [txlimits] below.
; 85 = cop,6 ; Remote base telephone key

;;;;; Telemetry ;;;;;
; Telemetry entries can be shared across all repeaters, or defined for each repeater.
; Can be a tone sequence, morse string, or a file
; |t - Tone escape sequence
; Tone sequences consist of 1 or more 4-tuple entries (freq1, freq2, duration, amplitude)
; Single frequencies are created by setting freq1 or freq2 to zero.
; |m - Morse escape sequence
; Sends Morse code at the telemetry amplitude and telemetry frequency as defined in the
; [morse] section.
; Follow with an alphanumeric string
; |i - Morse ID escape sequence
; Sends Morse code at the ID amplitude and ID frequency as defined in the
; [morse] section.

ct1 = |t(350,0,100,2048)(500,0,100,2048)(660,0,100,2048)
ct2 = |t(660,880,150,2048)
ct3 = |t(440,0,150,4096)
ct4 = |t(550,0,150,2048)
ct5 = |t(660,0,150,2048)
ct6 = |t(880,0,150,2048)
ct7 = |t(660,440,150,2048)
ct8 = |t(700,1100,150,2048)
ct9 = |t(1633,0,50,1000)(0,0,30,0)(1209,0,50,1000);
ranger = |t(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,50,0)(1800,0,60,3072)(0,0,150,0)
remotemon = |t(1209,0,50,2048) ; local courtesy tone when receive only
remotetx = |t(1633,0,50,3000)(0,0,80,0)(1209,0,50,3000) ; local courtesy tone when linked Trancieve mode
cmdmode = |t(900,903,200,2048)
functcomplete = |t(1000,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(1000,0,100,2048)
remcomplete = |t(650,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(650,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(650,0,100,2048)
pfxtone = |t(350,440,30000,3072)
patchup = rpt/callproceeding
patchdown = rpt/callterminated

; As far as what the numbers mean,
; (000,000,010,000)
; | | | |-------amplitude
; | | |-------------duration
; | |-------------------Tone 2
; |-------------------------Tone 1

; So, with 0,0,10,0 That says No Tone1, No Tone2, 10ms duration, 0 Amplitude.
; Use it for a delay. Fine tuning for how long before telemetry is sent, in conjunction with the telemdelay parameter)
; The numbers, like 350,440,10,2048 are 350Hz, 440Hz, 10ms delay, amplitude of 2048.

;;;;; Mores code ;;;;;
; Morse code parameters, these are common to all repeaters.
speed = 20 ; Approximate speed in WPM
frequency = 800 ; Morse Telemetry Frequency
amplitude = 4096 ; Morse Telemetry Amplitude
idfrequency = 1065 ; Morse ID Frequency
idamplitude = 1024 ; Morse ID Amplitude

;speed = 35 ; Not leagle in the USA
;frequency = 800 ; Morse Telemetry Frequency *Changed
;amplitude = 4096 ; Morse Telemetry Amplitude
;idfrequency = 750 ; Morse ID Frequency *Changed
;idamplitude = 512 ; Morse ID Amplitude *Changed

; This section allows wait times for telemetry events to be adjusted
; A section for wait times can be defined for every repeater
telemwait = 2000 ; Time to wait before sending most telemetry
idwait = 500 ; Time to wait before starting ID
unkeywait = 2000 ; Time to wait after unkey before sending CT’s and link telemetry
calltermwait = 2000 ; Time to wait before announcing “call terminated”

; Sample for half-duplex
telemwait = 100 ; Time to wait before sending most telemetry
idwait = 100 ; Time to wait before starting ID
unkeywait = 100 ; Time to wait after unkey before sending CT’s and link telemetry
calltermwait = 2000 ; Time to wait before announcing “call terminated”

;;;;; Remote base memories ;;;;;
; Memories for remote bases (not for repeaters or hotspots). Seldom used.
;00 = 146.580,100.0,m
;01 = 147.030,103.5,m+t
;02 = 147.240,103.5,m+t
;03 = 147.765,79.7,m-t
;04 = 146.460,100.0,m
;05 = 146.550,100.0,m

;;;;; Macro commands ;;;;;
;1 = *812000
;2 = *822000
;3 = *832000
;4 = 3199832000

;;;;; Data Acquisition configuration ;;;;;
;Where: device_name1 and device_name2 are stanzas you define in this file
;device = daq-cham-1
;device = device_name1
;device = device_name2

;[daq-cham-1] ; Defined in [daq-list]
; Device name
;hwtype = uchameleon ; DAQ hardware type
;devnode = /dev/ttyUSB0 ; DAQ device node (if required)
;1 = inadc ; Pin definition for an ADC channel
;2 = inadc
;3 = inadc
;4 = inadc
;5 = inadc
;6 = inadc
;7 = inadc
;8 = inadc
;9 = inp ; Pin definition for an input with a weak pullup resistor
;10 = inp
;11 = inp
;12 = inp
;13 = in ; Pin definition for an input without a weak pullup resistor
;14 = out ; Pin definition for an output
;15 = out
;16 = out
;17 = out
;18 = out

;face = scale(scalepre,scalediv,scalepost),word/?,…
; scalepre = offset to add before dividing with scalediv
; scalediv = full scale/number of whole units (e.g. 256/20 or 12.8 for 20 volts).
; scalepost = offset to add after dividing with scalediv
;face = range(X-Y:word,X2-Y2:word,…),word/?,…
;face = bit(low-word,high-word),word/?,…
; word/? is either a word in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds or one of its subdirectories,
; or a question mark which is a placeholder for the measured value.
; Battery voltage 0-20 volts
;batvolts = scale(0,12.8,0),rpt/thevoltageis,?,ha/volts
; 4 quadrant wind direction
;winddir = range(0-33:north,34-96:west,97-160:south,161-224:east,225-255:north),rpt/thewindis,?
; LM34 temperature sensor with 130 deg. F full scale
;lm34f = scale(0,1.969,0),rpt/thetemperatureis,?,degrees,fahrenheit
; Status poll (non alarmed)
;light = bit(ha/off,ha/on),ha/light,?

;tag = device,pin,node,ignorefirst,func-low,func-hi
;tag = a unique name for the alarm
;device = daq device to poll
;pin = the device pin to be monitored
;ignorefirstalarm = set to 1 to throwaway first alarm event, or 0 to report it
;node = the node number to execute the function on
;func-low = the DTMF function to execute on a high to low transition
;func-high = the DTMF function to execute on a low to high transition
; a ‘-’ as a function name is shorthand for no-operation
;door = daq-cham-1,9,1,2017,*7,-
;pwrfail = daq-cham-1,10,0,2017,*911111,-

;;;;; Events Management ;;;;;
;status,2 = c|f|RPT_NUMLINKS ; Say time of day when all links disconnect.

;;;;; Control states ;;;;;
; Allow several control operator functions to be changed at once using one command (good for scheduling)
;statenum = copcmd,[copcmd]… Rpt.conf - AllStarLink Wiki
0 = rptena,lnkena,apena,totena,ufena,noicd ; Normal operation
1 = rptena,lnkena,apdis,totdis,ufena,noice ; Net and news operation
2 = rptena,lnkdis,apdis,totena,ufdis,noice ; Repeater only operation

;;;;; Scheduler - execute a macro at a given time ;;;;;
;dtmf_function = m h dom mon dow ; ala cron, star is implied
;2 = 00 00 * * * ; at midnight, execute macro 2.

I have the ; back in there cause it is not functional. I dare you try it on a server in hub setup.

The link activity warning audio file didn’t work for me in ASL2 or ASL3. However I can confirm the link activity macros DO run though on ASL3, as long as you set them up correctly.

Then what is the Correct setup? this is what you do not explain. the macro I have set is to call 806 which Does run ilink,6 which should disconnect all nodes as it states. the timer is set for 3 minutes as a test it goes right past that and I have stayed connected for well over the specified time

The lnkacttimerwarn variable is supposed to be the name of a sound file ON YOUR SYSTEM. There may be some confusion that one could simply un-comment this line from the config and you’d get a 30 second warning.

;lnkacttimerwarn = 30seconds        ; Message to play when the link activity timer has 30 seconds left.

On my system, there is no 30seconds.ulaw file in the Asterisk sound directories. There is a rpt/timeout-warning.ulaw file but that does not include any indication of the time remaining.

The function must be enabled by command before it will function.
I have no clue as to it’s default value.

945 = cop,45				; Link Activity timer enable
945 = cop,46				; Link Activity timer disable

I already have it active
how can you have 945 2 times with different codes?
there is no way that will work

besides that why do you think you have this line in there?

lnkactenable = 1 ; Set to 1 to enable the link activity timer. Applicable to standard nodes only.

I don’t.

I am using my old command list as so not to relearn changes every version released.
Sorry to have confused you. Thought you would know better.
It is the cop# that is important. See your local files for assignment you have.

HOW DO YOU HAVE THE SAME NUMBER 2 TIMES? read what you copied

already created one and have it set. still does not call it into play. the file I have is 30sectimeout.ulaw located in the /usr/share/asterisk/en/rpt directory

He’s just trying to show the two cop commands and explain that they are used to enable/disable the link activity timer. The DTMF maps that precede them are completely arbitrary and do not matter at all to this thread.