I am helping a blind friend with his ClearNode. I recently extended one of his two node numbers and updated the node number on one of his ClearNodes using one of the extended node numbers. Since having done that, the date and time stamp that is usually in the “Last Seen” column in the AllStar Link Node List on allstarlink.org is no longer updating. It is always blank. Any ideas why this may be the case?
It might help if you state the node number in question so it can at least be looked at on the surface.
Possibly a configuration error. Please carefully review the Wiki NNX Page.. Be sure to understand how node numbers change with NNX.
The last seen column blank means the node has not registered. Check the registration section of rpt.conf
Mike - node number is 546521. I would love to know what you find (and to learn if there is more I could have done to investigate this further via the allstarlink.org page).
Tim - I ASSuME the owner of the ClearNode is registering as he is has been using the device just fine since I changed his node number (but I’m new to debugging end-user devices, vs repeater-end of things). The creator of the ClearNode says, “Editing the conf files directly via the CLI is not supported on ClearNode, you must use the mobile app to update configuration.” I haven’t been able to ssh in to check rpt.conf, but I’m also totally new to this particular device. I’ll see if I can get access to the device via ssh to check it out in more depth. I would ASSuME he’s doing things correctly since he has so many users, but I suppose it could be a bug on either side.
Well, I’m stumped. I know nothing of clearnode. You might consult those folks.
But I might suggest shutting the system down and waiting a few minutes and restarting.
See what you get.
I see it’s not showing up.
Also this…
ipaddr “”
Is the node using a static Ip that is not the address where you are testing it from or perhaps have DNS issues.
Node password was incorrect.
@ka6ken I assume you know that changing the node number requires changing the registration.
@wd6awp Yes, thanks. It turns out my friend has multiple ClearNodes and it is possible the one in question was never set up correctly and that I was looking (mistakenly) at the results of the one that was set up correctly, initially, before the extension process. A little confusing, but @Gerry_Filby got it figured out. It did not occur to me that the node would still function properly but the Last Heard would not populate due to a bad password. I figured a bad password would have rendered the node unusable entirely. Thanks everyone!
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