Is there a log file of all connections made to my AllStar node?

I would like to be able to look back over connections made to my AllStar node.

Is there a log file capturing this information?

I looked at /etc/asterisk/connectionlog but it does not appear to be capturing this information.

A first pass search for information on this did not turn up documentation but perhaps I had a poorly formed search.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Supermon includes this feature but needs to be properly setup to use it. The logfile is at /var/log/asterisk/connectlog

I think you’re using HamVoIP, so in order to use this, you must add these two lines under your node stanza in rpt.conf:

connpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 1 ; use this line for Supermon
discpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 0 ; use this line for Supermon

Then run rpt reload in Asterisk.


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Thanks, I will try this!

Works as described!!!


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