Is #INCLUDE directive supported by allmon3 in the web.ini file?

I am converting from ASL2 to ASL3 and would like to utilize some of the scripts that I have already written to replicate the astdb.txt file in ASL2 and utilize it in ASL3 (with updates of course). I have tried to use the #INCLUDE directive in the web.ini file under the node-override stanza:
;1999 = Private Node
#INCLUDE /var/lib/asterisk/astdb

The file includes the following:
1000 = ARCO-HUB
1001 = Bethany_Node
1002 = ZIM
1005 = Mobile

After restarting Allmon3 I am still getting nodes stating: Private or Unavailable. I have chmod’d the file to 777, to not have any permission issues, without any change in behavior. Is the #INCLUDE directive supported? Am I looking at this wrong and there is a better way, without having to edit files on every node.

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

I’m not sure what you’re trying to do or what you mean by #INCLUDE but, no, that doesn’t work.

Perhaps a bit of confusion.
include statement a function of php really have not changed.

But in asl, or really asterisk configs,
#includeifexists did change in the later versions that asl3 uses

it is now,

Not sure if that helps but I am confused by your use of it in a php file in that format.

I am not trying to use PHP. Just the concept of include/require to add contents of a file within the web.ini. I would like to update private node information that allmon3 displays from a centralized location. Each node will have a cronjob that will pull and save the file to be included.

From my understanding N8EI stated that this will not work. I am just trying to keep this as simple as possible and not have to write another hack (python and Jinja) to update the web.ini file.

Thanks for the input!

Ah I understand what you’re trying to do. Unfortunately, the Python ConfigParser module doesn’t support includes. It does support interpolation but I don’t think that helps you very much.

The one thing to note is that the stanzas in the .ini file are not position dependent. You can put that at the end of the file which would make appending the data you want easier with a simple cat(1).