I have a SHARI Pi4V that I am trying to run on ASL2.0 flashed to an old HP G6 Pavillon-No Transmit

Good afternoon,
I am trying to fully install a SHARI Pi4V on an older HP computer that I flashed the ASL 2.0 Beta on. I currently can connect and disconnect to nodes and receive traffic with no problem. I am unable to transmit. I figure that there are settings on the transmit side that need to be adjusted but am not sure which ones to adjust or what to set them to. As a side note, I can reverse the USB connectors with the same result. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am also researching this on the SHARI Pi site.
Thank you,

Well Ray,
You do have this logic thing that says ‘active high’ or ‘active low’
I am not familiar with shari at all so hang with me a moment.
I can only relate to settings in app_rpt/ASL

(in simpleUSB or USBradio.conf whichever you are using)

invertptt = 0 ; Invert PTT: 0,1 ( 0 - ground to transmit, 1 - open to transmit )

Most tx’rs are activated by switching to ground the ptt line on the radio. But I don’t know what your setup specifically.

Good evening Mike,

Thank you for the response. When I setup ASL I made sure that invertptt = 0 ; Invert PTT: 0,1
; 0 - ground to transmit
; 1 - open to transmit
as well as making sure that the COS/CTSS invert for carrierfrom = and ctcssfrom = were set to
no = No carrier detection at all
usb = COR(COS) line active Hi
usbinvert = COR(COS) line active Low.

With these settings I am unable to transmit but receive clear as a bell. There is nothing on the transmit side as far as carrier. I monitor the ECR on there website when I was asking for an audio check but wasn’t getting out.

The SHARI Pi4V was given to me so I do not have any documentation as far as radio settings for the SHARI. I am thinking that I may switch the invertptt settings to see if that may fix the problem.

Your thoughts?

Not knowing you exact config makes help much more difficult than if it were in front of me.

But perhaps this will help.

Know that a PTT line ‘normally’ switches to ground when active.
So, it may not show a voltage when inactive or what may be called ‘float’ voltage if any.

So you need to know how the PTT line activates on the radio side and test your shari output line accordingly.
invertptt as needed for a test.

I’m sure at least you will find out what you need anyway.

Also, I have yet to know how this is being used, but I am guessing it is a ‘simplex node’ ?
So, duplex mode has a part to play in this as well and will change that logic if it is not correct.


Also know that after editing .conf files, you need to restart asterisk to have those parameters active.
sudo systemctl restart asterisk -from a command line

Good afternooon Mike,

I am using the Simpleusb configuration and a Duplex type of <1> Half Duplex with telemetry tones (Simplex Mode.) The SHARI came to me with a frequency of 147.420 MHz and a CTCSS Tone of 100Hz. I am wondering if the Tone is causing the problem of not transmitting.

I am also looking to find a way to see how the SHARI was programmed.

I appreciate your help.


While one should never say never,
It is highly unlikely the tone has anything to do with logic output or input.

Hi Mike,

I will keep at it. Changing the PTT from ground didn’t work either. I will keep looking at the Transmit settings to see if I can figure it out. I may try the USB Radio setting vice SimplexUSB to see if maybe that changes anything.


Not sure where you are on this, but after a re-read I thought I would point out a couple of things.

If you change settings in the files, you will need to restart asterisk for them to take effect or ‘reload’ the dialplan from the asterisk CLI>

The other is you may also need to use a transistor buffer to invert the logic above the software and/or give it more sinking power on the PTT.

If you already came up with a solution, perhaps share it help guide others.

Good evening Mike,

I am still working at it. The SHARI Pi4 will receive from the AllStarLink and transmit to my HT. It still will not receive from my HT and send it out through AllStarLink to another node.

When it transmits to my HT the PTT LED is on but the COS LED does not light nor do I get any indication that anything is being sent out from the SHARI (Node) into AllStarLink to the Node I am trying to communicate with. I usually connect my node 582920 to the East Coast Reflector node 45225 (San Antonio). I am still pondering what I need to tinker with in the various Conf files. I am trying to make this happen with the SimpleUSB configuration.

When I go into the SimpleUSB tune menu I am able to toggle and send the tones from the SHARI to my Handheld.

So the problem seems to be that the SHARI is not taking my HT transmission and sending it through the AllStarLink to another node but is able to receive a transmission from another AllStarLink node and send it my HT.

I am working on this when I get some free time from the other “Honey Do Projects” I currently have on my plate!

Thank you for checking back with me on this puzzle!


Well Ray,
this would be a issue on the COR line. Not PTT.
You can invert that logic as well in the file and know that everything I mentioned about PTT line holds true with the COR line as well.

simpleusb.conf or usbradio.conf depending on what you are using.

;carrierfrom=usb :<===
;carrierfrom=usbinvert ;<===

Whichever you are using, swap them.

I probably should have asked if you are using a pre-built wireset for the radio in question.
how you are obtaining COR from the radio.

Ray I’m not familiar with any of your hardware but as a suggestion… have you checked CTCSS/TONE settings on the HT and the Shari radio configuration
Larry - N7FM

Good evening Mike,
I am looking to dig back in probably tomorrow or Saturday. I appreciate the potential settings for the Carrier From and will see if that will do the trick. Also on Saturday I hope to see the Ham who gave me the SHARI Pi4 when I am VE for Saturday morning. I plan on asking him if there is anything I need to be aware of with the radio. As of right now my Carrierfrom + usbinvert and the CTCSS from = usbinvert.

The SHARIPi4 is a kit that was built by the HAM who gave it to me. He switch to a system that can run on his cell phone and didn’t need it for AllStarLink.


Good evening Larry,

I hope to see the Ham who gave me the SHARI Pi4 this Saturday and will ask him about the configuration. I don’t currently have the Raspberry Pi system needed to access the SHARI configuration. I have tried to access it with one of my PC’s that has the Ubantu Debian Linux and a Raspberry Pi app but have been unsuccessful to this point.


Ray, The Shari node should be able to be accessed from any of your network PC’s using SSH if a Linux machine or Putty if running Windows. So when you see your friend on Saturday be sure to ask him for the login and password info for doing that.

Thanks Larry,

I will be sure to ask him. He is scheduled to be at testing.

Thank you!

Good afternoon Mike,

I think I got it figured out. I am talking from my HT through the SHARI node to node! Here is what I ended up setting my simpleusbtune settings.
carrierfrom = usbinvert
ctcssfrom = no
rxboost = no
deemphasis =yes
preemphasis = yes
plfilter = yes

I am able to receive and transmit from my HT and verified it with an Audio Check. I appreciate your help!


Good afternoon Larry,

I think I got it figured out. I am talking from my HT through the SHARI node to node! Here is what I ended up setting my simpleusbtune settings.
carrierfrom = usbinvert
ctcssfrom = no
rxboost = no
deemphasis =yes
preemphasis = yes
plfilter = yes

I am able to receive and transmit from my HT and verified it with an Audio Check. I appreciate your help!


Good morning Mike,

I do have one other question. With the changes I made to my node the Allstar Monitor II shows that my node is not in the database. I do remember it being in the database before. Is this a function of time before it shows as part of the database again since I made my recent adjustments?


After checking the wiki, I see the whole install is not covered as it is in the readme from github.

Here is the relevant part of that.

Allstar Database

  • If you don’t have the Allstar “database” (really just a text file) the
    Node Information column will only show the IP address of the remote nodes.
  • ACID and Limey users should run the astdb.php script to get an initial
    copy of the database. It should be periodically updated with the
    astdb.php script. Please set your cron job to a reasonable time, like **
    ** once a day and manually run when you need the occasional adhoc update.
  • The Beagle Bone Black already has a daily updated astdb.txt file. BBB
    users should add a symbolic link to that file with
    “ln -s /var/log/asterisk/astdb.txt astdb.txt”.