How to link two repeaters vhf and uhf

We have two repeaters. VHF on a mountain top with internet there. The other is ground level repeater on UHF. That I will send internet to from my house. There is no real line of site between them. How can I use Allstar to link them? Just put nodes on each and connect the two? or should there be a hub node between them? We want to remove the Arcom controllers each site as well as the rf links. May add them back in later. But would like to just link the two repeaters for now.

If you are just linking two repeaters together over the internet, having a node on each, then connecting them will do. They don’t even have to be public nodes if you want to make a closed-loop link between them, or further isolate them from a hub that handles connections from the outside world.
You could even do a point-to-point IP link using AREDN or some other microwave link, assuming you have good line-of-site between the two locations, and not involve the internet between the two nodes at all. This way, if one or both internet connections go down for whatever reason, you can still maintain the link between the repeaters.
Assuming at least one of your sites is not on CG-NAT, where you have direct access to route incoming traffic to your nodes, the simplest setup would be to just connect two public ASL nodes together, one on each repeater.

Sorry if this is a repeat response. Thank you for the reply. I thought that was okay to link that way. We are using RF links and have been for years. But we are not even sure how it has worked as part of the Mountain is blocking the path. So I would think that a ptp link via microwave would not work well. This system is used for club members out of the state so we would need them to be able to connect. Would a Hub at the home QTH be a good idea? Link both sites and the outside world to the hub?